NS 8025 before and after - Trainorders.com
Not sure if any of you have seen the NS 8025 before it was picked to be the last heritage unit, but I was lucky enough to see it, albeit trailing on a coal train in NS black. Thought it would be neat to at least show the before and after. Both pictures taken in Sandusky, Ohio.
NS 8025 (Monongehalia Heritage Unit) leading the 211
Here is the NS 8025 leading the 211 west on Main 2 at the east end of Fleetwood, PA at Dreiblebiss (DRY-bull-biss)cemetery. Legend has it that this stretch of the Reading line is called "Hell's Gate," which I can only assume is because of the cemetery where some of the original settlers to the area rest (one of them came to America in 1732).
Eastern Railroad Discussion > 20X 8025 HEADS UP - Trainorders.com
NS 20X east by duncannon pa with the NS 8025 (monongahela engine) east on 20X. Good luck east! just about 2:35pm nick Posted from iPhone
NS 24X with Monongahela leader - Trainorders.com
NS 24X making it's run north through downtown Landis, NC with NS 8025 the Monogahela heritage unit in the lead. (Thursday 8\\1\\24)
Eastern Railroad Discussion > NS 8025 And NS 8099
NS 8025 turned a rail at Fairlane Yard in Amherst, Ohio. What does that mean exactly and where they going to put it as the lead engine. NS 8099 passed Chesterton, Indiana yesterday evening.
NS 8025 Mon with grain train? - Trainorders.com
NS 8025 reported eastbound at Continental, Ohio with grain train by Heritageunits.com at 12:05. Any updates and destination? Dale Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/12 10:19 by dbrcnw.
MGA 8025 on the Manor Branch - Trainorders.com
The 8025 was paired with the NS 8016. A CSX coal train was a few hundred feet closer to the mine and inching its way toward the helpers. Had we arrived 10 or so minutes later we would have missed the helper units because the CSX train would have blocked them from our view.
NS 8025 QNSABAR update? - Trainorders.com
2022年5月30日 · For those still tracking, NS 8025 just landed on the fuel pad at Belen about 12:40 local time. Leading a combined QNSABAR-SLPKSCO.
NS 8025 heritage Monongahela Little Rock 556 a.m.
NS 8025, the NS heritage locomotive Monongahela was the second unit of two leading a northbound oil train past Little Rock's Union Station on Friday, May 31, 2013 at 5:56 in the morning. I braved the sometimes heavy rain and darkness to get these few shots. The sun was beginning to brighten the ski
NS 8025 on 20R-updates? - Trainorders.com
dschlegel Wrote: ----- > Thanks for the update! Do you know if they are