Will the real NS 8098 please stand up - Trainorders.com
Almost universally, when one mentions Norfolk Southern 8098, the current Conrail heritage unit comes to mind. Back in October, 1999 the attached was NS 8098, a former Conrail C30-7A. The idea of heritage units on NS was not even on anyone's radar- we were just trying to keep our former railroad going as best we could after the split a few ...
Where is the NS 8098?? - Trainorders.com
BNSF 9780 leading NS 8098 up front while NS 1060 is the DPU on the rear. Currently at Galesburg, IL with an outbound crew called for 0625.
NS Reading Line Today with Guest Star NS 8098 Conrail HU
This morning brought a nice surprise in seeing posts on Heritage Units that the NS 8098 was leading NS 10K. I tuned into Reading Area Railroad scanner feed and learned 10K was working Reading Yard. After dropping my daughter off for her first day of work, I …
Model Railroading > Bachman HO scale NS 8098 - Trainorders.com
Finally after having g a work schedule go wonky these past few months, I was able to swing by the Erie Mad River Ho scale Model RR clubhouse to get a few pics of my NS 8098. First three are with flash, the lastb3 without flash. Michael Fair Royal Oak, MI
NS 8098 on 22H Sandusky, Ohio today - Trainorders.com
NS 8098 on 22H Sandusky, Ohio today Author: bath_wildcat When your wife makes you wait 4 hours for a ride that is pure trash, but let's you go get your number one most wanted by pure chance trailing on NS intermodal 22H at 1816 in Sandusky, Ohio.
NS 11N with NS 8099 (Conrail HU) Leading - Trainorders.com
Thanks to a few heads up this morning I was able to catch the Conrail Heritage Unit, NS 8098, leading 11N at Deka Rd just west of Lyons, PA on the NS Reading Line. After he rolled west, 30A pulled east from a stop. 19G wasn't far behind 11N headed west, and the 21W was hot on their heels too. I'll try to attach some videos in replies below ...
NS 8098, NS 8104, NS 1070, & NS 1067 Sunday - Trainorders.com
What's the status on these units for today NS 8098, NS 8104, NS 1070, & NS 1067. Which NS CR 8098 on 26N which someone posted it's destination is Cleveland but I read that 26N goes to Columbus?
Today trackside in Sandusky, Ohio with a double heritage surprise
This time however 8098 is the only one left, so getting it each and every time I do is special. For the naysayers, you can pound sand. NS 8098 leads 21Z through Sandusky, Ohio with NS 4191 trailing. Then there was this container, thought it was cool from a …
Eastern Railroad Discussion > NS 8098 on 251 - Trainorders.com
According to the NS fan site jreb.org, Conrail heritage unit 8098 is leading roadrailer train 251. It was last reported passing Hamilton, OH at noon. Andrew Posted from iPhone
Eastern Railroad Discussion > NS 8098 - Trainorders.com
NS 8098 is confirmed to be leading 264 out of Atlanta. Current schedule has it arriving in Burnside, KY around 9AM and Cincinnati by 3PM on Saturday. I invite anyone that happens to see the train to post status updates tomorrow. I'm sure there are plenty of fans that would like to catch this locomotive! -Brian-