NS H74 with NS 8114 and NS 1700 - Trainorders.com
This morning I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the H74 was led by the NS 8114 (Original Norfolk Southern HU) and also had the NS 1700 (Erie Lackawanna HU). Here it is rolling east at the west end of Topton, PA. Enjoy! Dan Edited
NS 8114 - Norfolk Southern Heritage Unit heading West
NS 8114, the "original" Norfolk Southern Heritage Unit, is leading NS Train 23D / UP Train KAILC. The train crossed the Mississippi River at Vicksburg, Mississippi at 1030 hours on Friday, June 2, 2017 enroute to Shreveport, Louisiana where it will be turned over to Union Pacific for the remainder of the trip to the west coast.
Searching for something elusive-NS 8114 - Trainorders.com
NS 8114 leading 11N. MY thread title says searchig for somethig elusive. NS 8114 has been quite elusive, and the last time I had seen this one was on my third anniversary to my wife and on all hallows eve to boot. NS 11N with NS 8114, 4243 rebuilt from Dash 9 …
Eastern Railroad Discussion > NS 8114 livery - Trainorders.com
At the time the original Norfolk Southern Railway merged with Southern Railway on January 1, 1974, the later gray, red, and black NS scheme had been the standard for over 10 years. If there were any units left at that time in the earlier red, yellow and black scheme (like the modern NS 8114), it would have had to have been one of the Baldwin AS ...
Mondays Take on NS 8114 - Trainorders.com
As Luck would have it NS 8114 was leading NS 24M, so off to The Sandusky, Ohio Amtrak Station I went. Granted it was colder than all get out, I was not going to miss out on getting my 18th of 20 heritage units. Below are three views as it passed by me at 12:35 PM Eastbound and down. NS 8114 and NS 9089 do the honors on Mondays 24M, Sandusky, Ohio.
Eastern Railroad Discussion > NS 8114 - Trainorders.com
NS has been trying to suffocate the south end of the Marion Branch for a while now. Last I heard is some trainmaster in Muncie was responsible for it but I'm not sure. [ Reply To This Message ] [ Quote ]
NS Action near Columbiana with 8100 and 8114 - Trainorders.com
Hello everyone! Yesterday I went down to the Creek Rd. and Metz Rd. crossings near Columbiana, OH, to wait on NS 11G led by NKP 8100 and 20W led by NS 8114. Didn't show up until the early evening, but while waiting, caught a decent amount of trains. Here are the photos. Enjoy! - Joe Tarantin
NS 8114 leading 25A south; NS cutie conductor. - Trainorders.com
First image is NS 8114 leading NS 25A south at Shenandoah Junction, WV. Second image is the conductor of 274. More images from yesterday: http:/
NS 8114 (Original NS) Heritage on 26T today - Trainorders.com
Thanks to a timely post on TO I was able to make the 175 mile trek to Union Furnace, PA with plenty of time to catch the "original NS" heritage unit. We gave chase across the Pittsburgh Line until we ran out of sun at Mifflin, PA. 1. 26T rounds the gentle curve and heads in
NS 229 (with 8114 trailing) hit a truck. - Trainorders.com
Re: NS 229 (with 8114 trailing) hit a truck. Author: dieselfan From the video on the local news, it looks like trailer was loaded with boxes of the plastic quart starter fluid bottles used for charcoal grills and such.