“New” Norfolk Southern 8520 - Trainorders.com
From NS Facebook post. Introducing the latest in Norfolk Southern's DC to AC conversion technology: AC44C6CF number 8520. Originally built by General Electric in 1996 as Dash 9 …
Eastern Railroad Discussion > NS 8520 - Trainorders.com
Re: NS 8520 Author: NSDTK If CAF said they could rebuild a unit for $10,000 less that GE offered, GE would have met that offer, Just a way to keep GE honest with there pricing
What has happened to NS 8520? - Trainorders.com
Re: What has happened to NS 8520? Author: NSDash9 It just returned to Altoona last week after months of testing on the Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad (WNY&P), along with NS …
Has NS Lost an engine? - Trainorders.com
When NS was looking to upgrade the Dash 9 fleet to AC traction, they accepted the proposals of both GE and CAF USA. NS tested the first to from GE and went forwrad with a large multi-year …
Western Railroad Discussion > Eastern Oddity - Trainorders.com
8520 is an oddity. It is/was an AC44C6CF. The 4000 series rebuilds on NS are AC44C6Ms. The difference with 8520 is that it was rebuilt keeping the original cab and was the only one done …
Oddball NS leader on the UP this morning - Trainorders.com
NS 4004/4005 are the same as 4002-4003 but replace the Red Stripe on edge of Horse Mane with Blue. NS 8520, an AC44C6M only one painted this way has Red Cab/Nose and Horse …
So what's the deal with NS 8520? - Trainorders.com
If regards to 4001, hopefully NS will re-paint it back into the scheme it was in when it was wrecked. This unit maybe the litmus test as to what the company does going forward on how …
Clear Tracks NS 8520 - TrainSim.Com
It has some nice repaints. I downloaded the UP 1111 and the NS 8520. I had no trouble with the UP 1111 but with the NS 8520 I had the following: "Dash9EngineScript_AAR.out" The read me …
NS 8520 on the Move. - Trainorders.com
2020年8月27日 · We were traveling past the Enola, PA Freight Yard and saw Norfolk Southern Red & Grey 8520. It is difficult to see because it is behind a lot of trees and back further …
NS 8520 in the dark - Trainorders.com
2019年8月22日 · Lighting by Marc Glucksman. Nice of NS to park this at a private grade crossing and the property owner to be a very friendly and cooperative person. RWJ Edited 1 time(s). …