Stadler FLIRT - Wikipedia
Stadler FLIRT (Fast Light Innovative Regional Train, [2] German: Flinker Leichter Innovativer Regional-Triebzug) is a passenger multiple unit trainset made by Stadler Rail of Switzerland. The baseline design of FLIRT is an electric multiple unit articulated trainset that can come in units of two to twelve cars with two to six motorized axles.
NS FLIRT - Wikipedia
De NS FLIRT is een elektrisch aangedreven type treinstel van de Nederlandse Spoorwegen. De treinstellen zijn gebouwd door de Zwitserse treinbouwer Stadler Rail en gebaseerd op het FLIRT3 -platform van dit bedrijf [2].
Stadler Flirt 3 - ChrisTrains
A reproduction of the Stadler Flirt 3 passenger train that can be seen all over Europe. Electric multiple unit. 6 versions, 8 consists: NS 2200 series (3 wagons), NS 2500 series (4 wagons), Rnet (2 wagons), Arriva (2 wagons), Valleilijn (3 wagons), Keolis 7300 series (3 wagons), Keolis 7400 series (4 wagons) and DB Regio Süwex (5 wagons).
Dutch Rail - Passenger Trains - Flirt 3
The Stadler FLIRT (Flinker Leichter Innovativer Regionaltriebzug = Fast Light Inoovative Regional Train) was constructed by the Swiss Stadler Rail company. The design was, based on the earlyer GTW (GelenkTriebWagen) originally constructed to meet the demands for the Swiss SBB who needed a new train for its S-Bahn in the cities Zug and Basel.
Spoorhistorie - Elektrische Treinstellen - FLIRT 3
De FLIRT, Flinker Leichter Innovativer Regional Triebzug, is een produkt van de Zwitserse fabrikant Stadler, waarmee het voortborduurt op het succesvolle uit componenten opgebouwde GTW concept.
Stadler FLIRT3 van Nederlandse Spoorwegen - Materieeloverzicht
Part of family: Flirt3. Sub classes: FLIRT-TAG (R-Net) (6) FLIRT-III (33) FLIRT-IV (25) Off this class, you have a photo of 64 out of 64 vehicles in the database (100.0%).
Just Trains - ChrisTrains Stadler FLIRT 3
The NS Flirt is an electric multiple unit built for the Nederlandse Spoorwegen by the Swiss train manufacturer Stadler, based on their popular Flirt 3 platform. Initially the trains are being introduced to deal with the rise in passenger numbers on the main lines.
NS Flirt 3 - N-Spoorforum
2017年11月6日 · In model wordt de flirt in 3D geprint en is op basis van een Piko® treinstel. Aangedreven op 4 assen door 2 motoren en de stroomafname is op meerdere assen. Let op het model is alleen geschikt voor boogstraal 225mm (R2) of groter. Standaard is het model voorzien van binnenverlichting (schakelbaar ook analoog).
Sprinter (Stadler/Flirt) manufacturer Stadler 6,100 year built 2015 - 2017 number of seats and standing capacity number of trains output Continuous output: 4 bodies 80.7 metres2000 kW = 2700 pk length 3 bodies empty 3 bodies 63.2 metres weight 116 tonnes 4 bodies empty 137 tonnes additional information Introduced in South-east Netherlands from ...
Flirt 3 3/8 1.5kV - Trainspo
Flirt 3 3/8 1.5kV - emu build by Stadler.