Fyra - Wikipedia
Fyra (Dutch: [ˈfiːraː]) was an international high-speed rail service between the Netherlands and Belgium using the AnsaldoBreda V250 train. The service used the HSL-Zuid and HSL 4 railway lines to connect Amsterdam, Schiphol Airport, Rotterdam, Antwerp and Brussels. [1] .
Fyra - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Fyra (發音為 [fiːraː])是由荷兰高速联盟(High Speed Alliance,简称HSA,由 荷兰铁路 及 荷兰皇家航空 合组)开办一个列车服务品牌,主要在 荷兰高速铁路南线 运营。 这条线路上同时还经营有 法国 Thalys 开办的列车服务。 该品牌原最初应使用新造的 安萨尔多百瑞达V250型电力动车组 (德语:AnsaldoBreda V250) 担当客运任务,但它们最终并未成行。 自2009年9月起,Fyra指定使用机辆模式的列车在 荷兰 本土的 阿姆斯特丹 、 史基浦机场 、 鹿特丹 及 布雷达 之间运行 …
Brussels: life after Fyra - International Railway Journal
ONE year ago the Dutch-Belgian Fyra high-speed operation collapsed. Belgian National Railways (SNCB) and Netherlands Railways (NS) were so dissatisfied with the performance and reliability of the V250 high-speed trains supplied by AnsaldoBreda that they withdrew them from service, leaving hardly any Dutch-Belgian train services in place.
2023年4月20日 · 经历了 Fyra列车的惨痛教训之后,荷兰铁路公司NS 首次让继任者与乘客一起出行。 一列新一代城际列车ICNG今天上午首次成为正常运行时间表的一部分。 火车爱好者在黎明前起床,争取成为在阿姆斯特丹中央车站第一个登上这趟列车的人。
Dutch minister resigns as final Fyra report is published
2015年10月28日 · DUTCH secretary of state for infrastructure Mrs Wilma Mansveld resigned on October 28 following the publication of a report into the Fyra high-speed fiasco, which places the blame for the debacle squarely with various current and former government ministers as well as Netherlands Railways (NS) and Belgian National Railways (SNCB).
Fyra Archives - International Railway Journal
2017年8月14日 · NETHERLANDS Railways (NS) has received €21m in compensation from Finmeccanica as part of a 2014 settlement between the two companies following the cancellation of NS’ order for 16 AnsaldoBreda V250 Fyra high-speed trains.
Fyra High-speed Train - Railway Technology
2012年8月23日 · Fyra High-speed Train V250, branded as Fyra in the Netherlands and Belgium, is a high-speed electric multiple unit manufactured by AnsaldoBreda. It runs on High-Speed Line 4 in Belgium and HSL Zuid in the Netherlands, connecting Brussels and Amsterdam.
The Fyra Disaster - NL Times
2013年6月4日 · The Dutch railways (NS) and their Fyra are standing still and the top of NS has now decided that the Fyra will never be in use. That the NS decided to stop with the Fyra was announced on Monday after the Board of NS informed State Secretary of …
Duidelijkheid over oorzaken Fyra-debacle in zicht - NOS.nl
2015年10月27日 · Vandaag maakt de parlementaire enquêtecommissie Fyra in haar eindrapport bekend waardoor dit heeft kunnen gebeuren en wie fouten heeft gemaakt. De kabinetten-Kok besloten in de regeerperioden van...
Fyra - Wikipedia
Fyra was de merknaam voor treindiensten die gebruikmaakten van de Hogesnelheidslijn Schiphol - Antwerpen. De dienst tussen Amsterdam en Breda werd door de High Speed Alliance (HSA) geëxploiteerd. Tussen Amsterdam en Brussel was sprake van een gezamenlijke exploitatie door de HSA en de Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen (NMBS).