Ns 2 Network Simulator An Introduction | PPT - SlideShare
2010年6月24日 · The document outlines NS2, including how to get it, create topologies, add traffic, observe behavior using NAM, and provides examples of simple NS2 scripts. It also briefly discusses adding new protocols to NS2 and finding documentation.
Introduction to ns2 | PPT - SlideShare
2017年12月9日 · NS2 is an open-source discrete event network simulator for Linux. The document outlines installing and configuring NS2, including applying a patch to add support for the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP).
Ns2 | PPT - SlideShare
2012年12月9日 · This document provides an overview of network simulation using the Network Simulator 2 (NS2). It discusses the motivation for network simulation, what simulation is, and the advantages and drawbacks of simulation. It then describes the structure and programming of a simulation, including maintaining event lists and processing events.
NS2入门与提高 柯志亨 SeaSon 哈尔滨工业大学 计算机学院-数据库中心 SeaSon. - ppt …
2006年5月28日 · 5 ns2研究范围 支持网络协议的研究和教育 优点 与平台无关,有大量的协议、代码以及模型可供使用,开源的,不同的协议很容易进行比较。 通信协议的设计,数据流的研究等 不同协议的比较 优点 与平台无关,有大量的协议、代码以及模型可供使用,开源的 ...
TCP及基于NS2的模拟.ppt 80页 - 原创力文档
2019年8月10日 · TCP及基于NS2的模拟.ppt,NS2 组件 ns: 网络模拟器 执行tcl脚本,进行模拟,并将所有的模拟结果以trace文件的个是输出。 nam: 网络AniMator 将ns的结果可视化。 模拟的流程 tcl脚本 ns-2 Trace文件 Nam文件 nam awk gnuplot/matlab NS2体系结构
PPT - Tutorial on Network Simulator (NS2) PowerPoint
2012年5月10日 · Executing NS2 • Create your .tcl script as per your topology • Run the .tcl file using ns command • Check which ns2 you are using • Create a huge output file (trace file) to analyze • Need to understand the file contents • Perl scripts are also available to analyze the trace file • Analyze using nam • Visual network animator ...
NS2网络模拟器快速入门PPT - CSDN文库
2022年9月22日 · 【NS2 PPT教程:通过实例学习NS2仿真】 NS2(Network Simulator 2)是一款广泛应用于网络系统仿真领域的开源工具,尤其在学术研究和工程实践中占有重要地位。
PPT - ns-2 Tutorial PowerPoint Presentation, free download
2024年2月2日 · This tutorial provides an overview of the ns-2 simulator, its history, and its capabilities. It discusses its role in promoting collaboration and sharing in network research, and provides guidance on its usage for researchers, developers, and educators. The tutorial also covers the workshop schedule and goals, including hands-on labs and examples.
PPT - Network Simulation and Analysis – Using NS2 PowerPoint ...
2012年3月15日 · NS2 Introduction • Installation • Simulation • Analysis Starting NS2 • NS2 can be started with the command ‘ns <tclscript>’, where tclscript is the name of Tcl script file that defines the simulation scenario. • Usually, a Tcl script is composed of three parts – network topology definition, traffic definition, and event scheduling.
~Ns2~ | PPT - SlideShare
2017年3月5日 · It discusses downloading and extracting NS2, setting up the Linux environment, understanding the basic NS2 architecture and directory structure. It also covers the differences between OTCL and C++ in NS2, and provides examples of creating a simple agent module in C++ and interfacing it with OTCL.