National Security Council Directive, NSC 5412/2, Covert …
2025年1月27日 · As this document makes clear, the National Security Council was also responding to the growing number of aggressive, secret communist operations threatening the United States and its allies. The purposes of American-led covert operations included discrediting communism, increasing the attraction of U.S. policies and values, and building up ...
Oversight of United States covert operations - Wikipedia
The resulting body became known as the 5412 Committee or, from 1957, the Special Group. [34] [note 1] It was the first time a "designated representative" of the President was included in the process; [31] Eisenhower used his National Security Advisors for this purpose. [35] The DCI was an ex officio member. [36]
Historical Documents - Office of the Historian
The Central Intelligence Agency had already been charged by the National Security Council with conducting espionage and counterespionage operations abroad.
Understanding the CIA: How Covert (and Overt) Operations Were …
2019年3月4日 · Named after an Eisenhower directive, NSC 5412/2, the unit was known as the 5412 Group or, to be even more vague, the “Special Group.” Many of its working sessions, during the early Kennedy administration, were conducted over Tuesday luncheons.
NSC 5412 Special Group; 5412/2 Special Group; 303 Committee
NSC 5412/2 of December 28, 1955, assigned to representatives (of the rank of assistant secretary) of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the President responsibility for...
Historical Documents - Office of the Historian
President Eisenhower approved NSC 5412 on March 15, 1954, reaffirming the Central Intelligence Agency’s responsibility for conducting covert
This directive supersedes and rescinds NSC 10/2, NSC 10/5, NSC 5412,4 NSC 5412/1,5 and subparagraphs “a” and “b” under the [Page 749] heading “Additional Functions of the Operations Coordinating Board” on page 1 of the President’s memorandum for the Executive Secretary,
Appendix C: NSC 5412, "National Security Council Directive on …
The 5412 Committee and its successors consisted of the Deputy Under Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, and the Director of the CIA, with the latter serving as the Group's "action officer."
“NSC 5412/2 Special Group” or simply “Special Group,” emerged as the executive body to review and approve covert action programs ini-tiated by the CIA.6 The membership of the Special Group varied de-pending upon the situation faced. Meetings were infrequent until 1959 when weekly meetings began to be held. Neither the CIA nor the Spe-
NSC 5412/2 Washington, undated. Source: Eisenhower Library, Special Assistant to President for National Security Affairs Records, President’s Papers. Top Secret. This directive was transmitted to the NSC under cover of a December 28 note from NSC Executive Secretary Lay. Lay stated that the President had approved the directive on the same date.