Continuing Education - NSCA
To maintain an NSCA certification, all certified individuals must complete a certain number of Continuing Education Units (CEUs), every three years. Earning CEUs mean certificants stay current on evolving knowledge and skills in the profession, and promote the ongoing competency of those certified.
NSCA CEU Opportunities
Make the quality and convenient choice for continuing education with NSCA CEU opportunities. From industry-leading conferences and clinics to virtual events and on-demand options such as CEU quizzes, the NSCA offers a wide range of options to support your professional development.
CEU Categories & Activities - NSCA
Learn about the various categories of CEU opportunities the NSCA accepts and details about CEU activities. There are specific categories of CEU activities the NSCA will accept. These categories exist to ensure individuals gain knowledge in a variety of ways.
Free NSCA CEUs - Courses - Phil Plisky
The NSCA offers 12 free approved CEUs for members each year. Additionally, NSCA members gain access to select complimentary quizzes, each for a limited time. Once the complimentary period ends, the quiz will be offered at standard rates.
NSCA Continuing Education Units and Courses
Fitness Mentors is pleased to offer continuing education that can be applied to recertification for your National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Certifications. Our high quality Continuing Education Courses allow you to. NSCA professionals are required to complete 6.0 CEUs every three years to keep their certifications up-to-date.
NSCA学分解密,专业成就不容忽视! - 知乎专栏
找到适合您的CEU机会,以维持您的CSCS、CSPS、NSCA-CPT和TSAC-F证书的有效性。 让您在 持续教育 方面做出优质且便捷的选择。 完成NSCA再认证,不仅是续证,更是职业征程的升级之旅,让你的职涯更上一层楼! 对培训课程或对NSCA相关规定有任何问题,可加入 UP运动与体能发展联盟微信帐号(ID:UP_serve) 洽询! 再认证| NSCA再认证的“十大理由” <br/>12月| 官方NSCA-CPT | 《北京站12.18~22》熱烈招生中! <br/>12月| 官方NSCA-CPT | 《上海 …
NSCA - Approved Courses – Human Kinetics
6.0 CEUs every three years for those certified before the start of the current recertification cycle. For those initially certified during a recertification period, CEU requirements are prorated and maximum values for each category may be checked on the NSCA website at www.nsca.com/certification/recertification .
NSCA继续教育学分详细介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
四大证都要求持证教练不断学习专业知识,不断进步,所以要在证书有效期内修满一定的学分,才能成功续证 什么是再认证------NSCA中国地区再认证申请指南 http://www.nsca-shanghai.com.cn/net/foreground/details.j…
Earn CEUs in Category A by attending a variety of educational events such as clinics, conferences, seminars, workshops, or live-streamed events. Your attendance can be in-person or virtual participation in a live (not a pre-recorded) event. Get CEUs for speaking at an event or on a panel, being published, or volunteering with the NSCA.
MT分享 | 中国地区NSCA再认证申请指南 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2019年6月8日 · 二:继续教育(ceu)概况. 为了帮助持证者更新知识,同时获取再认证所需的学分(ceus),nsca官方会举办一系列继续教育相关活动,这些活动包括研讨会,专题讲座,能力测试以及个人学术论文发表,翻译学术论文等形式。
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