National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
Examine our position statements and learn about the NSCA’s official stance on important topics like long-term athletic development, androgen and human growth hormone use, and youth resistance training.
Certifications | National Strength and Conditioning Association - NSCA
The certification for fitness professionals who collaborate with healthcare professionals to improve the health, wellness, and fitness needs of all ages, including people with chronic and temporary health conditions.
NSCA-CPT | NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer
The NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer® (NSCA-CPT) is the most comprehensive certification on the market, demonstrating your solid scientific foundation to elevate fitness, health, and wellness. As an NSCA-CPT, you’ll apply evidence-based principles and empower clients to achieve their lifestyle goals through lasting behavior change.
获得NSCA(美国国家体能协会)的证书在国内有什么好处? - 知乎
什么是NSCA? NSCA—National Strength and Conditioning Association(美国国家体能协会)是NCAA首批授权的机构. 该协会成立于1978年,是全球体适能领域中最具权威的专业组织,现有会员近30000名。其颁发的资格证书得到了全球54个国家的认可。
NSCA Strength and Conditioning Professional Standards and Guidelines - LWW
In 1993 the NSCA Certification Commission certification program became the first fitness-related certification accredited by the esteemed NCCA*. The rigorous CSCS and NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) examinations are among the most challenging in the industry.
A CPT’s Take on NSCA Certifications (2025) | Garage Gym Reviews
2024年1月4日 · In this review, I’ll cover all five certifications offered by the NSCA. Good for: Coaching collegiate-level or professional sports teams and individual athletes. If you plan and prepare for the CSCS exam, a passing score will earn you the title of Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
As the worldwide authority on strength and conditioning, the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) supports and disseminates research-based knowledge and its practical application to improve performance and fitness.
NSCA-CPT:如何考取&值得考嗎?. 這篇文章將探討健身證照的意義,並教你如何準備及考取NSCA …
2020年5月15日 · NSCA 是台灣俗稱「國際四大證照機構」之一的 National Strength and Conditioning Association(美國國家肌力與體能協會)的縮寫,此組織致力於在全世界發展肌力與體能專業。 而 CPT 則是其入門證照 Certified Personal Trainer(認證私人教練)的縮寫,是許多教練的第一張國際證照。...
NSCA CPT Chapter 24 – Facility and Equipment Layout
Study the NSCA CPT Chapter 24 – Facility and Equipment Layout. Learn what a proper modern gym layout should look like at a facility and pass your NSCA CPT.
NSCA CPSS - Garage Gym Reviews
The Certified Performance and Sport Scientist (CPSS) program through the National Strength and Conditioning Association is the NSCA’s most advanced certification. The CPSS specializes in the application of scientific processes to improve individual and team athletic performance and decrease injury risk.