The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is excited to provide you with this Basics of Strength and Conditioning Manual. This manual is intended to assist Associate Members, however, it is available to all NSCA Members
National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) supports and disseminates research-based knowledge and its practical application to improve performance and fitness. Since the practical application often provides the greatest challenge to novice personal trainers, the FFP was developed to bridge that gap, helping personal trainers
Passing an NSCA certification exam demonstrates you have the specialized knowledge, skills, and experience to perform a specific job or role. Each certification exam assesses how a candidate compares to a standard — a predetermined level of competence — established by industry experts.
Essentials Of Strength Training And Conditioning [PDF ... - Library
Developed by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and now in its fourth edition,Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioningis the essential text for strength and conditioning professionals and students. This comprehensive resource, created by 30 expert contributors in the field, explains the key theories, concepts, and ...
美国国家体能协会力量训练指南(第2版) | 李·E.布朗, 美国国家体 …
2025年3月15日 · 本书从力量的起源讲起,讲解力量评估,力量及爆发力的训练类型,训练计划的制定和损伤预防,以及包括上肢,下肢和躯干在内的全身性的力量训练技巧,同时为不同水平和不同年龄段的练习者提供了针对性的训练计划,致力于帮助练习者更好地理解力量训练,并能够在后期建立起一个完善的体能训练架构.
本书是美国国家体能协会(NSCA)与众位世界运动营养学家联合编写的运动营养指南。 书中不仅向读者介绍了国外运动营养领域新的研究成果,讲述了运动营养学的相关原理,还给出了基于不同人群和不同营养需求的营养建议,集科学性与实用性于一体。 全书共分12章,分别介绍了运动营养与运动表现的关系;碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、水、维生素和矿物质的营养学功效及其摄入量建议;力量和爆发力,以及有氧耐力训练相关的营养需求和补充建议;营养补充时机及能量消耗 …
NSCA-CPT美国国家体能协会私人教练认证指南由美国国家体能协会(National Strength and Conditioning Association, NSCA)组织多位体能训练领域的专业人士编写而成,是考取NSCA-CPT 证书的参考资料.
在线阅读或从Z-Library免费下载书籍: NSCA-CSCS美国国家体能协会体能教练认证指南第4版, 作者: 美国国家体能协会, 出版社: 人民邮电出版社, ISBN: 9787115555458, 年: 2021, 语言: Chinese, 格式: PDF, 文件大小: 160.75 MB
2 NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition New Developments in Nutrition Research What are some of the hottest areas of research relevant to an athlete’s diet? From macronutrients to electrolyte balance to supplements that mitigate fatigue, sport nutrition incorporates a multifaceted body of research. When
NSCA - CPT 官方中文版教材第2版终于上线了 - 知乎
2021年7月15日 · NSCA - CPT 官方中文版教材第2版终于上线了. 相信每个考NSCA - CPT的小伙伴都被第1版的小红书折磨的不轻吧,看英文版吧,实在是有点力不从心,经过漫长的等待,终于官方出版了第2版(此处应有巨大的掌声),放几张图片给大家看看,小伙伴们有福喽. NSCA - CPT 官方中文版教材第2版终于上线了 相信每个考NSCA - CPT的小伙伴都被第1版的小红书折磨的不轻吧,看英文版吧,实在是有点力不从心,经过漫长的等待,终于官方出版了第2版(此处 …