5. OSM Usage — Open Source MANO documentation
osm ns-create --ns_name web01 --nsd_name wiki_webserver_autoscale_ns --vim_account <VIM_ACCOUNT_NAME> | <VIM_ACCOUNT_ID> osm ns-list osm ns-show web01 Testing: To ensure the NS is working, visit the Load balancer’s IP at the public network using a browser, the page should show an OSM logo and active VDUs.
11. ANNEX 3: Reference of OSM Information Model
Below you can find tree representations of the VNFD (VNF Descriptor), NSD (Network Service Descriptor), NST (Network Slice Template), VNFR (VNF Record), NSR (Network Service Record), NSI (Network Slice Instance), both in navigable and plain text formats.
Benchmarking open source NFV MANO systems: OSM and ONAP
2020年9月1日 · For illustration purposes, we analyze and compare the performance of the two most popular open-source NFV MANO projects, namely ONAP and OSM, using a complex open-source virtual customer premises equipment (vCPE) VNF. Our results show the current features support, performance to be expected and gaps to be covered in future releases.
How to configure VNFs using a Virtual Network Function Descriptor
2021年2月12日 · In this blog post, we describe how to configure VNFs using a Virtual Network Function Descriptor (VNFD) together with a Network Service Descriptor (NSD) and the Open Source MANO platform . Additionally, we will present an initial configuration of a new Virtual Machine (VM) instance using cloud-init. Why do we need VNFDs and NSDs?
ETSI Open Source MANO Starter Guide | by Sarp Köksal - Medium
2020年12月28日 · OSM is an Open Source MANO tool which developed by ETSI Community which aims to fulfill the requirements of NFVO and VNFM components in ETSI NFV architecture....
Introduction - Openslice
Openslice is a prototype open source, operations support system. It supports VNF/NSD onboarding to OpenSourceMANO (OSM) and NSD deployment management. It also supports TMFORUM OpenAPIs regarding Service Catalog Management, Ordering, Resource, etc.
Design NFV Services - ETSI SDG OSL Documentation
OpenSlice supports the invocation of day 2 primitives using Open Source MANO (OSM). This feature allows users to perform various actions while a service is running, such as changing attributes or executing specific actions on a Network …
Examples from OSM Hackfests - OSM Public Wiki
Hackfest material. Latest OSM Hackfest ; Presentations; NS and VNF Packages and VM images; Examples Basic VNF and NS. VNF package: hackfest_basic-vnf NS package: hackfest_basic-ns Image: ubuntu1604 Reference material: Presentation: creating a basic VNF and NS VNF diagram
Play with OSM (by quqi99)_osm vim-create-CSDN博客
2020年5月8日 · 全国OSM路网是基于OpenStreetMap(OSM)项目的数据资源,OSM是一个由全球志愿者贡献的开源地理信息系统,它允许用户免费编辑和分享地理信息。2021年的全国OSM路网包含了中国全境的道路网络信息,是GIS(Geographic ...
NSD(Network Service Descriptor) - GitHub
NSD描述了网络能力,它包括了多个方面的属性:constituent-vnfd、topology、placement、configuration和scale。 \n \n constituent-vnfd \n. NS由多个VNF构成,NSD定义了网络服务描述符和组成该网络的VNF的描述符之间的关系。 \n \n