Party Badge/Pin search by # or Maker Name - War Relics
2023年9月11日 · Re: Party Badge/Pin search by # or Maker Name Mark, that is a fantastic effort mate, well done! That will be extremely useful and informative, thanks for taking the time and making the effort to compile the list like this.
NSDAP Pin Help Needed. real/ fake or repo? - War Relics
2024年5月3日 · NSDAP Pin Help Needed. real/ fake or repo? Hello everyone, just bought these pins which I should have put on a forum first but too late. I don't know much about pins so I need some help on authenticating them and how to detect fakes from the real ones.
NSDAP Pin Help Needed. real/ fake or repo? - War Relics
2024年5月4日 · NSDAP Pin Help Needed. real/ fake or repo? Hi, just found this pin the quality of the enamel looked to me period correct and the stamp or rzm code looked good. However, is there something more to look at for example the rzm codes? the lettering of the logo? the font of the numbers on the pins?
Real or Fake NSDAP Nazi Party Pin Badge. - War Relics
2012年6月22日 · Anyway, I purchased an NSDAP party whilst out at an antiques fair, it looked good, the price was cheap but I think it was the implus of never having brought something like this before aha. Anyway, I have no idea if this is real or fake, though the stamps look good and the enamel also I think the metal on the back looks a little too new.
Heim ins Reich pin, mm 'K & Q' - War Relics
2018年5月2日 · In many ways, an individuals support of the tenets represented by this symbol speak more loudly than the NSDAP pin of attitudes prevalent at the time. This example is made of brass and enamel with both the Ges. Gesch and RZM marks which marries up with the "transitional" period NSDAP pins and I believe makes it one of the earliest badges.
NSDAP Pin M1/152 - warrelics.eu
2024年3月6日 · Hello, going through my collection and I wanted to show off my NSDAP Pin for your thoughts and opinions. I know M1/152 is made by Franz Jungwirth, Wien. I wanted to know; 1) Is this an original and authentic piece 2) How rare in your opinion is a NSDAP pin from this maker 3) Is there a way to determine the year it was produced, or range of years
RZM marked M1/72 party pin - Real or fake? - War Relics
NSDAP Pin M1/72. 08-08-2017, 04:29 PM #3. PSDL? Thanks very much for your reply and welcome here in the ...
NSDAP Pin M1/72 - warrelics.eu
2015年4月3日 · This is a 23,5 mm version of the Fritz Zimmermann M1.72 NSDAP Parteiabzeichen, which means that, it's a 1935 badge. Till this point, I know about the existence of 2 types of M1.72 NSDAP Parteiabzeichen by Fritz Zimmermann: 1 - 23,5mm version from circa 1835 2 - 23,2mm version from 1935 to 1945
The official, "unofficial", Party badge thread. - War Relics
2012年3月26日 · Party Badge/Pin search by # or Maker Name Ladies and gentlemen I would like to begin an official, "unofficial", Party badge thread. The intent of this thread is to have a place where we can come to compare and learn from known, original, Party badges.
NSDAP pin, real or fake? - War Relics
2013年5月13日 · NSDAP pin, real or fake? hello im new to collecting items, so when it comes to distinguishing originals from copies i am in dire need of assistance. the one thing that stood out to me was the back, it just doesnt seem right.