• National Security Decision Directive (NSDD-38) System: The Department of State provides a workspace and a variety of services at posts to individuals who work for other USG agencies as well as some non-governmental organizations (NGOs). NSDD-38 documents this relationship and the process governing the request,
Under National Security Decision Directive38 (NSDD-38) and the President’s Letter of Instruction to Chiefs of Mission, the chief of mission must approve any changes to the size, composition, or mandate of positions under his or her authority, and is responsible for reviewing staffing and ensuring it is consistent with Mission goals and ...
National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 38
The National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 38 dated June 2, 1982, gives the Chief of Mission (COM) control of the size, composition, and mandate of overseas full-time mission staffing for all U.S. Government agencies.
NSDD Digitized Reference Copies - Ronald Reagan
On February 25, 1981 in National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 1 President Reagan outlined the purpose of the NSDDs, This series shall be used to promulgate Presidential decisions implementing national policy and objectives in all areas involving national security.
Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence Program (NSDD) …
NSDD’s mission is to improve the capabilities of various agencies in partner countries to detect, disrupt, and investigate the illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive material.
NSDD - National Security Decision Directives - Reagan …
2018年11月29日 · National Security Decision Directives (NSDD) were issued by President Ronald Reagan and his Assistants to the President for National Security Affairs to set forth official national security policy for the guidance of the defense, intelligence, and foreign policy establishments of the United States Government.
yyds、nsdd、nbcs…这些00后才能看懂的“缩写词”,居然还有英文 …
小编给大家列举了一部分 英文中常见的拉丁文缩写A.D. (公元): Anno Domini<br/>a.m. (上午): ante meridiem<br/>CV (简历): curriculum vitae<br/>e.g. (例如): exempli gratia<br/>etc. (等等…): et cetera<br/>et al. (等人):et alii<br/>i.e. (即是): id est<br/>p.m. (下午): post meridiem<br/>Ph.D. (博士): Philosophiæ Doctor<br/>P.S. (附言): post scriptum<br/>R.I.P. (息止安所): requiescat in pace在日常生活中.
History of the NRRC - United States Department of State
2009年1月20日 · Communications officers from the Department of State’s Bureau of Information Resource Management (IRM), supervised by a Foreign Service Branch Chief, operate the NRRC’s bilateral satellite and VPN secure links. This long and fruitful collaboration between the two bureaus, AVC and IRM, has underpinned the NRRC’s operational effectiveness since 1987.
非序列下NSDD怎么使用? - ZEMAX - 吾爱光设 - Powered by …
2025年3月18日 · NSDD操作数下包含surf、det、pix、data4个参数,其中,surf定义非序列组中的面序号,若为纯非虚列模式,则surf为1,若为混合模式,则为非虚列开始的面序号。
2025年1月2日 · This collection consists of the National Security Council's (NSC) Executive Secretariat's centralized material on National Security Decision Directives (NSDDs) enacted during the Reagan Administration. Material on specific NSDDs often consists of draft versions, action plans, and background memos in addition to copies of the various NSDDs.