NSF Food Equipment Standards
NSF/ANSI 18 establishes minimum food protection and sanitation requirements for the materials, design, construction and performance of equipment and devices that manually dispense food or beverages, in bulk or in portions, and their related components.
NSF 18 - Manual Food and Beverage Dispensing Equipment
2016年6月8日 · This Standard establishes minimum food protection and sanitation requirements for the materials, design, construction, and performance of manual food and beverage dispensing equipment and their related components. This standard contains requirements for equipment and devices that manually dispense food or beverages, in bulk or in portions.
NSF/ANSI 18 has been revised to allow for this kind of dispensing equipment to be evaluated. This revision establishes meaningful criteria for equipment that uses new technology to maintain the safety of aseptically packaged, potentially hazardous food …
NSF/ANSI 18-2020 - Manual Food and Beverage Dispensing …
This Standard contains requirements for equipment and devices that manually dispense food or beverages, in bulk or in portions. The materials, design, and construction requirements of this Standard may also be applied to an item that is manufactured as a component of food and beverage dispensing equipment.
Overview of Changes: The revisions in the new 2016 edition can be found in clause 7.4 and are applicable only to oil dispensing equipment. Specific details of new/revised requirements are found in table below.
NSF ANSI 18-2016 - 道客巴巴
2020年9月23日 · 更多相关文档 . nsf 18-2016 星级: 46 页 nsf ansi 61 2017 星级: 306 页 nsf 49-2008 ansi 星级: 146 页 (正版) nsf ansi 14 - 2012.
NSF 18-2016 - 道客巴巴
NSF 18-2016 下载积分: 2400 内容提示: NSF International Standard / American National StandardNSF/ANSI 18 - 2016 Manual Food and Beverage Dispensing Equipment ...
NSF/ANSI 18-2022 手动食品和饮料分配设备 - 标准全球搜
NSF/ANSI 18-2022《Manual Food and Beverage Dispensing Equipment》This standard contains requirements for equipment and devices that manually dispense food or beverages, in bulk or in portions. The materials, design, and construction requirements of this standard may also be applied to an item that is manufactured as a component of food and ...
NSF/ANSI 18-2020 手动食品和饮料分配设备 标准
nsf/ansi 18-2022 当前最新 nsf/ansi 18-2023 适用范围 本标准包含对手动散装或分份食品或饮料的设备和装置的要求。本标准的材料、设计和结构要求也适用于作为食品和饮料分配设备组件制造的产品。本标准不适用于其他 nsf 标准范围内的自动售货机、分配冷冻柜或 ...
SUN - NSF 18, Manual Food and Beverage Dispensing Equipment …
2012年8月8日 · Manual Food and Beverage Dispensing Equipment. 2016 Edition Dated June 1, 2016. 2012 Edition Revised August 8, 2012. Effective Date of New/Revised Requirements. Effective Date (see Schedule below): September 15, …