NSV Model SMB housed spring isolator mounts are used to isolate high and low frequency vibration generated by floor-mounted mechanical equipment located in non-critical
All employees of NSV analyze causes accurately and suggest economic and reasonable methods in order to maintain and preserve pleasant and silent environment. We are making efforts to make the company the world best producer of vibration-proof products by continuously investing in R&D through sales growth.
Spring Mount (25mm) SMB/HMB Series by NSV - Komachine
As an industry leader in Korea, we provide the top services through our company philosophy of “Creating a Pleasant Environment” and the best technology. We, NSV, will make our best efforts to achieve 100% perfection more pleasantly and stably up to the last remaining 1% with sweat and enthusiasm.
smb Spring Mount (Deflection : 25mm) ㉿ (NOTE) The mentioned size and scale can be altered to improve the quality performance and capacity of the product without any notice.
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SMB ㉿ 성능그래프 전달율 Graph 동강성 Graph 1 10 n 100 1 0 00 1 10 D i s t urb i ng 6 Fr e qu e c y [H z] Natural FrequencyD of the System [Hz] 5 200 30 40 50 0 2 000 4 000 0 8 000 10 S000 12000
Spring Mounting 150kg NSV SMB-B150 Vibration Isolator …
NSV SMB-B-150 Garansi Toko (1tahun) Spring Mounting Free Standing type floor untuk mengurangi getaran mesin. Didesain dengan material baja berkualitas. Cocok untuk dipasang pada genset, pompa, fan, dan alat mekanikal lainya sehingga mengurangi transmissibility pada struktur bangunan dan memperpanjang umur alat mekanikal. Contoh Penggunaan: Pompa
Spring Mount (25mm) SMB/HMB Series by NSV - Komachine
SMB/HMB Series, Vibration-proof System, Korean Machine. Manufacturers Brand List Help Center More. Search. Close. NSV. NSV. Download Inquiry. Home Manufacturers NSV Spring Mount (25mm) 1 /1. NSV. View Manufacturer. Spring Mount (25mm) Model. SMB/HMB Series. Series. Vibration-proof System. Transaction Process.
[NSV] 펌프 방진 밀폐형 스프링 마운트_VIBRATION ISOLATION OF PUMPS(Close Type)
주식회사 엔에스브이 제품 설치 동영상.펌프 방진 밀폐형 스프링 마운트VIBRATION ISOLATION OF PUMPS (Close Type)* 불법 복제 및 무단 사용 시 법적 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
NSV, The Republic of Korea - Komachine
Manufacturer of products for Soundproof, Dustproof, Earthquake proof, Shock and Elastometric isolator, Korean Machine