NSV machine gun - Wikipedia
The NSV Utyos (Cyrillic: НСВ, initialism for Никитин-Соколов-Волков, Nikitin-Sokolov-Volkov; Russian: Утёс, lit. 'Cliff'), is a Soviet heavy machine gun chambered in 12.7×108mm. It is named after the designers, G. I. Nikitin, Y. М. Sokolov and V. I. Volkov. It was designed to replace the DShK machine gun and was adopted by the Soviet Army in 1971.
逃离塔科夫武器科普第十五期:俄罗斯NSV/Kord12.7X108mm重机 …
该枪可对付2000米内的步兵集群、火力点、轻型装甲车辆及各种运输车辆,还可作为近程防空武器,对付斜距离为1500米内的低空飞行目标。 NSV枪体. NSV机枪由俄罗斯乌拉尔河沿岸的乌拉尔斯克兵工厂生产。 该枪除前苏联军队装备外,还装备于原华沙条约国家及前南斯拉夫等国家。 现在NSV还被保加利亚、印度、波兰等多个国家仿制生产,例如塞尔维亚的特许生产型为M87 NSVT,而波兰的特许生产型为WKM-B,但改为北约标准的.50 BMG口径。 芬兰的特许生产 …
苏军重机扛把子——苏联NSV-12.7mm机枪 - 哔哩哔哩
NSV机枪又叫Утёс(拉丁化为“Utjos”),这是俄语“悬崖”之意,是该计划开始时的代号,过去在国内曾译为“岩石”。 以NSVT为基础的遥控武器站. 架设在舰艇甲板上步兵型NSV. 在1950年代初,尼克金和沙科洛夫就合作设计了一种7.62mm口径通用机枪,而同时米哈伊尔·卡拉什尼科夫也在进行着相同的工作。 这两种武器都采用导气式原理和回转式枪机,而且两者外形也非常相似。 在经过对比试验后,卡拉什尼科夫的设计被认为更可靠、生产成本更低,于是苏军采用了卡拉什尼科 …
NSV-12.7 机枪 - 枪炮世界
坦克型通常称为 NSVT, 正式型号为 6P17(NSV的正式型号为6P11)。 一般用于 T64、T72、T80、T90 等坦克的高射机枪,俯仰角为-5°~+75°,配的瞄准镜是 K10 和 K10T 准直瞄准仪。
NSV HMG (Utes / Utjos) Heavy Machine Gun / Vehicle Gun
2022年5月17日 · Notable series variants as part of the NSV HMG (Utes / Utjos) Heavy Machine Gun / Vehicle Gun family line. NSV - Base Series Designation; chambered for 12.7x108mm Soviet cartridge; vehicle-mounted on the T-72 Main Battle Tank. NSVT - Tank-mounted variant serving T-64 and T-80 Main Battle Tanks.
NSV Utes - Soviet final modern weapon - safar-publishing.com
2024年9月12日 · The NSV Utes was developed by Nikitin, Sokolov and Volkov - an experienced team that has participated in the development of the general purpose machine gun back in 50s, but lost to Kalashnikov's team and their PKM.
NSV 12.7 'Utes' - Modern Firearms
The NSV heavy machine gun is a gas operated, air cooled, belt fed, automatic only, weapon which fires from an open bolt. Thegas system consists of a gas chamber, located below the barrel, with a gas regulator and a long-stroke gas piston attached to the boltcarrier.
NSV Utes - Weaponsystems.net
The NSV is named after its three designers, but is also known by its nickname Utes. The NSV can be used on a tripod but is primarily used as vehicle armament and can be found on all modern Soviet tanks.
NSV “Utes” 12.7x108机关枪_固定武器_武器_逃离塔科夫Wiki,逃 …
2023年10月8日 · NSV,也被称为“Utyos”,是一种苏联创造的12.7毫米口径重机枪,以设计师G.I.Nikitin,Y.S.Sokolov和V.I.Volkov(NSV)命名。 它旨在取代DShK机枪,并于1971年被苏联军队采用。
NSV HMG (Utes / Utjos) - Military Equipment Guide With Photos
The NSV is armed with a 12.7x108mm cannonball capable of penetrating light armor protection and blasting human targets into unrecognizable fragments. This weapon requires specific tolerances, which in turn add bulk and weight, and when mounted on a heavy tripod, the weapon can only serve a defensive function.