The UHA of NSW Inc. is a non-government-organisation and is funded by the NSW Ministry of Health. Central Secretary Wallace Wurth Building 3, Level 1, Macquarie Hospital, Wicks Road, North Ryde NSW 2113
About — UHANSW
UHA was first formed in 1933 by Eleanor Mackinnon OBE and in 2024 has 166 branches. Over 3,700 dedicated volunteer members across NSW raise funds which are then used to purchase much-needed equipment and items for their facilities.
Forms - UHANSW
UHA Order Form. The forms above are for the financial year ending June 2024. Alternatively, you may email the Central Secretary for copies.
United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW - Ministry of Health
Since 1933, the United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW Inc (UHA) branches have fundraised for patient comfort and care for health facilities within their communities. Hospital auxiliaries have over 5,500 volunteer members working across 190 affiliated branches in 12 regions.
2024年5月10日 · United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW Inc. Let us hold high the lamp of service for the welfare of our hospitals The UHA of NSW Inc. is funded by the NSW Ministry of Health
Meetings: 2pm - 3rd Friday monthly at Craft on the Creek, Pye St Eugowra NSW 2806
United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW Inc
Since 1933, the United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW Inc. (UHA) branches have fundraised continuously for patient comfort and care for health facilities within their communities.
“NSW Health” means the Department of Health in the state of New South Wales. “Delegate” means a representative chosen as a delegate by any one of the auxiliaries, each auxiliary being entitled to choose two delegates. Delegates must be financial members of an auxiliary.
Branches — UHANSW
Wallace Wurth Building 3, Level 1, Macquarie Hospital, Wicks Road, North Ryde NSW 2113. PO Box 169, NORTH RYDE NSW 2113. 02 8877 4394 Email: [email protected]
UHANSW - Facebook
UHA was first formed in 1933 by Eleanor Mackinnon OBE and has 170 branches. Over 3,500 dedicated volunteer members across NSW raise funds which are then used to purchase much-needed equipment and items for their Hospital and MPS facilities.