Rode Complete Studio Kit with the NT1 and Ai-1, Black
2017年12月5日 · Packed with premium technology, RØDE’s all-new AI-1 single channel audio interface offers studio quality at an accessible price. Available as a complete kit with the legendary RØDE NT1 large diaphragm condenser microphone, accessories …
Complete Studio Kit with NT1 & AI-1 | RØDE - RØDE Microphones
The RØDE Complete Studio Kit contains everything you need to make professional, studio-quality recordings at home. It features the AI-1 audio interface, NT1 large-diaphragm condenser microphone, plus a shock mount and XLR cable.
NT1 | Studio Condenser Microphone | RØDE
With its exceptionally smooth frequency response, ultra-low self-noise and tight cardioid polar pattern, NT1 is the go-to microphone for a wide range of vocalists. Offering the sought-after sound of classic studio microphones while exhibiting extremely low noise, it's ideal for everything from pop, rock and hip-hop to podcasting and voice-over ...
【叉烧网·评测】罗德五代NT1号称不暴音? 我们把这支“电容麦”玩 …
2023年5月11日 · 目前三代 NT1 在同时销售. 如果你的工作流程基于声卡和直播调音台,选择第三代的 NT1-A 也可以,价格很香。 NT1 5th 其实只比三代贵了 $50 美刀,两者声音接近,但多了 USB 和 DSP 效果,而且 32-bit “无爆音”在圈内也很有谈资,我甚至觉得它有收藏价值..
Rode Complete Studio Kit with The NT1 and Ai-1 & PSA1
2023年3月15日 · The NT1 and AI-1 complete studio kit allows you to record to the highest professional standard anywhere. Silky-smooth vocals, incredibly detailed acoustic instruments, punchy percussion – get the professional sheen of a top studio with minimal fuss.
- 5/5(7)
Rode NT1 KIT 電容式麥克風 | SV音樂商城 - smusicstore.com
真正來自澳洲雪梨設計、製造的電容式麥克風RODE NT1 Kit; 全球專業錄音室首選; 完整配備:防噴罩、防塵套、防震架、麥克風收藏袋 【至官網註冊序號即可免費延長保修期至10年:https://warranty.rode.com/】 ※需幻象電源供電. 音質試聽
NT1 Signature Series | Studio Condenser Microphone | RØDE
Discover everything you need to know about using your NT1 Signature Series studio condenser microphone in this comprehensive user guide, including how to attach and mount your microphone, pop filter and shock mount, and how to connect …
NT1 Kit - centrmus.com
NT1 是 RØDE 的一款革命性的新 1" 振膜电容话筒。 虽然新的 NT1 机身非常类似于 NT1-A,但话筒已经完全重新设计,唯一的相同组件只有网状格栅。 RØDE设计工程师以 NT1 作为创新和传统的基础,首先采用全新的极头设计。 产品代号为 HF6,是RØDE的融合艺术设计方法和尖端制造技术的理想典范,并配有完善的优美音色,让人想起老而著名的话筒,同时噪音超低。 该产品具有集中的中频细节相应,再加上柔滑流畅的温暖高频以及圆润的低音,使 NT1 在同级产品中鹤立 …
【RODE NT1 Kit】报价_参数_图片_论坛_RODE RODE NT1 Kit罗 …
这款小巧便携的无线领夹麦克风可以配合手机录制纯净音频,并且具备黑白两种配色选择。 该产品搭载了R?DE的无线音频传输技术 [阅读全文]
RODE NT1 + AI-1 COMPLETE STUDIO KIT - aabworld.com
An all-in-one solution for quality, low-noise vocal or instrument recording in your home studio or anywhere inspiration strikes, the Rode Complete Studio Kit combines the AI-1 desktop 1x2 USB Type-C audio interface with the NT1 large-diaphragm cardioid condenser microphone, the SM6 advanced shockmount and pop filter combo, a premium XLR cable ...