NTA-8776 Standard & Testing - ACT LAB
Testing helmets according to the NTA 8776 standard offers significant benefits in enhancing safety for e-bike riders. By subjecting helmets to rigorous crash simulations and stringent impact resistance criteria, NTA 8776 ensures that certified helmets provide optimal protection against head injuries during cycling accidents.
Understanding NTA-8776 Certification - MET Helmets
What is the NTA-8776 Certification? The NTA-8776 is a safety standard outlined in the Dutch Technical Agreement (NTA) 8776. This agreement was crafted by an international project group under the supervision of NEN, the Dutch Standardization Institute.
The Hudson Urban Bike Helmet | Ebike rated - Bern Helmets
With an NTA 8776 E-bike certification and a 5 S.T.A.R. ranking from Virginia Tech, the Hudson is purpose built for e-bike trips at speeds up to 27 mph. The Hudson features MIPS, a rechargeable Click-Mount LED light for night rides & bike lock compatible reinforced …
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NTA 8776 vs. CPSC: Why Your Helmet’s Safety Standard Matters
2024年10月29日 · What is NTA 8776? In response to the limitations of CPSC, the NTA 8776 standard was developed in 2016. This newer certification is specifically designed for e-bikes, e-scooters, and other micromobility devices that can reach speeds of up to 28 mph (45 km/h).
NTA-8776 - 珩渥检测,国际第三方检测、认证、验厂、验货、咨询 …
新的电动自行车专用头盔安全测试和制度化认证(NTA-8776)已经创建,以帮助确保在这一新兴的电动辅助自行车类别中,骑手选择安全的电动自行车额定头盔。 已经有相当多的类型和种类的电动自行车,那些不熟悉电动自行车的人,其基本定义是带有集成电机和电池的自行车。 与任何电动或非电动自行车一样,在摔倒或撞车时,佩戴合适的自行车头盔和额外的衬垫以保护自己总是至关重要的。 电动自行车的安全性提高到了一个新的水平,因为电动自行车比传统的非助力自行 …
Dutch Safety Standard For E-Bike Helmets: Why Does It Matter?
2023年6月26日 · The government of the Netherlands created a new helmet safety standard—NTA 8776 is the technical designation—meant to provide a higher level of safety to riders. The obvious question is why some e-bike riders might need a …
NTA 8776:2016 en
2020年8月20日 · NTA 8776 specifies requirements and test methods for helmets worn by users of S-EPACs. Requirements and the corresponding methods of test are given for the following: construction, including field of vision, shock absorbing properties, retention system properties, including chin strap and fastening devices, marking and information.
New !!! S1 E-Bike Helmet (NTA 8776 Certified)
2023年3月20日 · "If you are riding an electric bike S1 highly recommends you use an NTA 8776 Certified helmet. The S1 Retro Lifer E-Bike Helmet fits like a skate/bike helmet but is constructed with thicker Fusion Foam so it passes the NTA 8776 Certification and helps protect up to 28 mph." - Dan from S1 Helmets
NTA 8776 电动自行车头盔认证和重要性标准测试
已创建新的电动自行车专用头盔安全测试和企业认证 (NTA-8776),以帮助在这一不断发展的电动助力自行车类别中为骑手提供安全的电动自行车级头盔选择。 与任何电动或非电动自行车一样,始终必须佩戴合适的自行车头盔和额外的衬垫,以在跌倒或撞击时保护自己。 电动自行车的安全性被提升到一个新的水平,因为电动自行车比传统的无辅助自行车更容易骑行更高的速度。 EUROLAB 协助制造商符合 NTA 8776 测试要求。 我们的测试专家以其专业的工作使命和原则,在我们 …
NEN - NTA 8776 - Helmets for S-EPAC riders | GlobalSpec
2016年12月1日 · NTA 8776 specifies requirements and test methods for helmets worn by users of S-EPACs. Requirements and the corresponding methods of test are given for the following: construction, including field of vision, shock absorbing properties, retention system properties, including chin strap and fastening devices, marking and information.
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