SCP: Nine-Tailed Fox | SCP: Nine-Tailed Fox Wiki | Fandom
SCP: Nine Tailed Fox is an open source modification of SCP - Containment Breach developed by Third Subdivision Studio. A work-in-progress, its first build was published on August 2015 on ModDB, the game officially released on Steam on February 2022 and is apart of the Level 5 Clearance franchise.
Steam Workshop::SCP By Nine Tailed Fox v 0.5 - Steam Community
2017年4月8日 · A highly customisable STool that allows the wielder to create a SEnt that will continuously spawn the specified NPC with the specified weapons until stopped, allowing them to stage huge NPC battles, either against themselves, or against rival NPC factions....
Steam Workshop::SCP SNPCs - Steam Community
2018年6月25日 · Class-D, Scientist, and NTF all have special AI when facing SCPs! Even includes usable SCPs that can aid you! You can't become infected or have side effects while wearing SCP-714!
scp收容失效指令大全【部分转载】版本1.3.11 - 哔哩哔哩
作用:显示一系列的数据,包括玩家位置,摄像位置,173状态,106状态,眨眼计数器,体力计数器,房间名称,当前事件,受伤,失血,死亡计数器,mtf位置,mtf上线计数器等。 ps:很有用的哦,强烈推荐开启,特别是可以显示房间名,到时候想回来用teleport就可以了。 另外计数器就是计时器,死亡计数器也比较有用,可以告诉你你的寿命。 开godmode的话一直是0。 另外有的物品的名称一部分也需要大写,分享给几个用得到的。 Small First Aid Kit 小型急救包 Key Card …
Steam Workshop::SCP:CB NTF PM & NPC - Steam Community
2017年6月25日 · Those feature four NPC's and two playermodels. Citizen animated models are only for the NPC's.
MC NPC Citizens插件全指令及设置教程 - 百度贴吧
/npc gamemode 1 --修改NPC为创造模式 0,1,2,3 /npc gravity --切换NPC重力(有效防止被推开和击飞) /npc equip --切换NPC的装备编辑模式
Rebel | Ray's Mod Wiki | Fandom
The Rebel is One of the Friendly NPCs that can be spawned in the Spawn Menu in NPC Section. The rebel follows you around, killing hostile NPCs. Killing other rebels will not depacify them. Currently, 2 types of Rebels can be spawned. One has …
【npc属性】方便大家找最优npc组合 - 骑马与砍杀2:霸主单机专 …
2020年4月9日 · 花了点时间统计了几个新档里出现的初始npc属性,方便像我这样的精打细算党招募一个合适的随从阵容; 其中流浪者和冤枉者有好几个不同属性,需要注意一下,其他后缀的npc观察了一下,应该都是一个后缀对应一组属性; 最强打手剑士; 最强侦察垃圾人
SCP - Containment Breach/Console - NamuWiki
2025年1月27日 · spawn code: Enter the NPC code to summon an NPC above the player. spawnitem code [6] : If you enter an item code, the item that matches the code is summoned at the coordinates. However, eye drops that come out by putting eye drops or a first aid kit in SCP-914 and turning it on very fine cannot be created with this command.
NPC是non-player character的缩写,是游戏中一种角色类型,意思是非玩家角色,指的是电子游戏中不受真人玩家操纵的游戏角色,这个概念最早源于单机游戏,后来这个概念逐渐被应用到其他游戏领域中。有时也作non-person character,或者non-playable character。