How to check whether NTLM v2 or v1 is used for authentication?
Get the NTLM challenge message from the curl output. Find the line starting with < WWW-Authenticate: NTLM TlRMTVNTUAACA... This is the NTLM challenge message, sent from the server to the client. Copy everything in the NTLM challenge message starting with TlRMTVNTUAACA. e.g. Convert the base64-encoded NTLM challenge message to hex, e.g.
What's the difference between NTLMv2 and Kerberos?
NTLM (without v1/v2) means something completely different. NTLM hashes are stored in the Security Account Manager (SAM) database and in Domain Controller's NTDS.dit database. Net-NTLM hashes are used for network authentication (they are derived from a challenge/response algorithm and are based on the user's NT hash).
Understanding NTLM Authentication Step by Step
The following steps present an outline of NTLM noninteractive authentication. The first step provides the user's NTLM credentials and occurs only as part of the interactive authentication (logon) process. (Interactive authentication only) A user accesses a client computer and provides a domain name, user name, and password.
NTLM V2 SSO Java Servlet Filter - Stack Overflow
2013年10月15日 · I need to use NTLM V2 SSO for a web application deployed on Tomcat 6 (Redhat Linux). I know of the JCifs library but it's NTLM filter supports only NTLM V1 and not V2. They recommend JESPA as an alternative but I would rather have an open source solution.
Using NTLM authentication in Java applications - Stack Overflow
'ntlm-authentication-in-java' is only NTLMv1, which is old, insecure, and works in a dwindling number of environments as people upgrade to newer Windows versions. JCIFS used to have an NTLMv1 HTTP auth filter, but it was removed in later versions, as the way it was implemented amounts to a man-in-the-middle attack on the insecure protocol.
NTLMv2 authentication in java - Stack Overflow
2016年1月31日 · Using NTLM authentication in Java applications. 5. Connecting to NTLMv2 from Java\httpclient 3\linux. 3 ...
hash - Are there any ways to leverage NTLM V2 hashes during a ...
2014年10月30日 · I am on a penetration test at the moment, where LM/NTMLv1 hashes are disabled. I have captured a number of NTLMv2 hashes via NBNS spoofing, however was unable to crack them after running them through
php, CURLAUTH_NTLM and authentication is not working for …
I'm trying to use internet from php scripts on Windows 7, via company NTLM proxy server. The goal is to parse a external web page via php. After long dig on the internet, I tried several solutions that didn't work, like those (and a lot of variations):
ntlm - NTLMv2 Reflection Attack - Information Security Stack …
The attack is called NTLM relay, not reflection. NTLM, in any modern implementation, is immune to replay, not only a couple of implementations are immune to relay. Those that are include required NTLM signing. SMB/CIFS and LDAP can do this, not not HTTP. Posters are correct, this is not PTH. The attacker never gets the users NTLM hash.
cryptography - NTLMv2 resistance to bruteforcing - Information …
Today, the accepted way to hash passwords is to use a slow hash (e.g., thousands of iterations of a cryptographic hash function), to slow down bruteforcing. Neither NTLM nor NTLMv2 incorporate this defense, hence they are both vulnerable to password bruteforcing (NTLM slightly more so, but the difference is modest).