NTT Innovative Devices
NEL offers a vast array of products in the information, telecommunications, and multimedia fields - from key devices all the way to system components.
Newsroom | NTT - NTT Group
NTT Group's website on Newsroom. View press release, topics, impotant notice.
Homepage - NTT
NTT is a global technology leader, with a 150 year history of innovation and diverse team of people around the world. Through innovative technology and solutions, we solve challenges and contribute to society. Investing in research for positive impact. Guiding businesses through IT transformation and modernization.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation - NTT Group
NTT Group is a leading company in the telecommunications business. We operate in a wide range of domestic and overseas markets by utilizing the customer base and expertise in communication networks and ICT that we have cultivated over our history. An introduction to NTT Group's business.
NTT Com China
通过提供高质量的基础设施服务(如网络、数据中心和云服务)、数据(如人工智能)的灵活运用以及各种安全运维服务,我们致力于协助解决企业和社会生产的课题。 世界前100强企业 …
ニュースリリース | NTT
市民協働・共創促進事業で、子どもたちからの『ミライをつくるアイデア』を具現化! 「2Dナイトコンシェルジュ」設置で、暗くて怖い道を明るくて楽しい空間へ. NTTパビリオン「PARALLEL TRAVEL」にPerfumeの参加が決定。 さらに4月2日(水)にはライブパフォーマンスを生配信。 "ボートのまち"戸田市の魅力を地域体験型返礼品で発信! ~県内初! NTT東日本漕艇部員が指導する戸田ボートコースでの「ローイング×チームビルディング研修」をふるさ …
Innovation - NTT
NTT EAST is aiming to develop technology for remote farming assistance to support new farmers, utilizing private 5G networks, 4K cameras, and remote-controlled robots. As a trusted innovation partner and innovative technology company, NTT drives global collaboration and invests in R&D to lead the future of technology.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone - Wikipedia
Ranked 55th in Fortune Global 500, NTT is the fourth largest telecommunications company in the world in terms of revenue, although it was the world's largest telecommunications company from 1996 to 2006, then it returned to being one of the world's largest telecommunications companies in 2012 and 2013, [4] as well as the third largest publicly t...
Home | NTT DATA Group
Learn what core principles and values the NTT DATA Group believes in and shares with its employees across the globe. Select a location to explore services and solutions relevant to you. NTT DATA helps clients transform through consulting, industry solutions, business process services, IT modernization and managed services.
Delivering digital transformation - NTT
We help you deliver new business outcomes made possible by new technologies. Edge as a Service manages and delivers on-demand automation and user experience to achieve greater operational efficiency, security and business growth.