Clubs & Societies - NTU Singapore
These clubs cater to the varying interests of a diverse NTU student population. They allow students to pursue their passion in the arts, culture, community engagement, entrepreneurship, sports and many other areas.
Student Clubs - 台大國際事務處
With more than 400 student clubs, covering interests from business consulting to balloon art, NTU is a place to meet like-minded friends from Taiwan and beyond. If none of these clubs catch your eye, there is always the option of starting your own club!
Special Interest Clubs | NTU Singapore
A myriad of exciting activities awaits you when you join one of NTU's student organisations: These clubs cater to the varying interests of a diverse NTU student population. They allow students to pursue their passion in the arts, culture, community engagement, entrepreneurship, sports and many other areas.
Students' Union Council | NTU Singapore
The NTU Students' Union (NTUSU) represents the interests of the students and consists of 16 academic constituent clubs and 3 non-academic constituent clubs.
Cultural Activities Club | NTU Singapore
NTU Cultural Activities Club (CAC) is established with the aim of fostering greater cultural awareness and interests among the NTU student population. CAC is an umbrella organisation which consists of 23 member clubs, 5 support committees and 5 special projects, working hand in hand as staunch advocates of the performing arts.
國立臺灣大學 Student Activity Division, Office of Student Affairs, NTU
社團分類 - All,Physical Training,Service,Social Development,Entertainment,Academic,Art,Autonomy,Composite
Sports Club | NTU Singapore
NTU Sports Club (NTUSC) is a Non-Academic Constituent Club in NTU. Together with our family of 24 sporting Sub-Clubs and flagship events, we are committed to delivering a rich and dynamic lifestyle for all NTU students.
NTU Freshmen Club Orientation | NTU Singapore
Browse through the exciting orientation programmes lined up for you. Sign up for your respective Freshmen Club Orientation here.
Student Groups | NTU Singapore
NTU has a wide variety of sustainability related student clubs on campus formed by students who are passionate to drive change in sustainability. NTU encourages and supports student-led sustainability-related initiatives and recognises their crucial role in driving positive change both on campus and beyond.
NTU Clubs & Societies - NTU Alumni Club
Connect with alumni and peers through NTU’s student-led clubs and societies. Share experiences, collaborate, and grow together in a dynamic community. Cooperate with a council that enriches the lives of graduate students and amplifies their voice at NTU.
List of all the CCAs (Clubs and Societies) : r/NTU - Reddit
2023年7月23日 · I have searched but was unable to find a comprehensive list consisting of all the clubs and societies in NTU. If anyone has come across any such document, then please share as this will help many people along with me to navigate through …
HOME | MAE Club | NTU Singapore
Official website of NTU MAE Club. The MAE Club is a student body organization that represents the students of the school of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at NTU, Singapore. We strive to achieve and enhance the student life of MAE.
Clubs - 國立臺灣大學
Club Offices at 1st Student Activity Center Clu ... 學生活動中心管理組 [email protected]. 1st Student Activity Center. 106319 No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei City; 02-3366-3247~50; 02-2366-1797; 2nd Student Activity Center.
Student Activities and Student Clubs - 國立臺灣大學
Within more than 400 student clubs, we are sure that you can find one that meets your needs and expectations. NTU student clubs are divided into 8 categories: Physical Training - focused on sports and exercise; Service - focusing on offering community service; Social Development - students associations or clubs connecting student communities;
NTU's unique student clubs are dispersed among eight different categories--art, academics, service, physical training, social engagement, governance, and comprehensive.
Youth - NTU Office of Sustainability
NTU boasts over 400 active student clubs, including service-oriented groups, fitness clubs, and academic and artistic societies. These clubs showcase NTU students’ diverse creativity and talents through events such as the Azalea Festival, club exhibitions, and university ceremonies.
Student Club - Office of International Affairs, National Taiwan …
As a student at NTU, you have access to a rich network of student clubs covering a wide range of interests and activities. These clubs are great places to make new friends, improve in something you love, or learn new skills. With more than 400 student clubs, we are sure that you can find one that meets your needs and expectations.
國立臺灣大學 學務處 | 課外活動指導組
社團分類 - 全部,體適能,服務性,聯誼性,康樂性,學術性,學藝性,自治性,綜合性,社團活動 Club Events::: 臺大首頁; 學生事務處; 臺大帳務系統; 海報佈旗欄位張貼(社團) ... 學務處 | 課外活動指導組 Student Activity Division, Office of Student Affairs, NTU.
As Singapore’s adult literacy levels decline, book clubs offer a ...
2025年3月6日 · Book clubs can help people improve their literacy skills by acting as “communities of practice”, said Prof Cayla, referencing a concept proposed by anthropologist Jean Lave and educational theorist Etienne Wenger in 1991. ... Nanyang Technological University 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 Tel: (65) 67911744. National Institute of ...
國立臺灣大學 Student Activity Division, Office of Student Affairs, NTU
Established in 2022, NTU iBank Club is the first student-run investment bank society in Taiwan. NTU iBank Club was initiated by a group of top finance undergraduates in National Taiwan University (NTU) aiming to bridge the gap between theory and practice.