Robotics Research Centre (RRC) | NTU Singapore
The Robotics Research Centre (RRC) was established in 1994 as a University centre with MAE, EEE and SCE as participating schools and is hosted by School of MAE. It is the first interdisciplinary research centre on robotics in Singapore.
Our People | Robotics Research Centre (RRC) | NTU Singapore
Nanyang Technological University 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 Tel: (65) 67911744
Introduction to RRC - Nanyang Technological University
The Robotics Research Centre (RRC) was established in May 1994 with a start up fund of S$1.68 million. The RRC is jointly managed and funded by the School of Applied Science (SAS), the School of Mechanical & Production Engineering (MPE) and the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) of the Nanyang Technological University.
Robotics Research Centre, - Nanyang Technological University
Home page of the Robotics Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Established in May 1994 for the advancement of research in the field of robotics. Current research areas include; Vision, Medical Robotics, Cybernetics....
Robotics Research Centre (RRC) | NTU Singapore
RRC Conference Papers RRC Journal Articles Recent Submissions 1.0 2.0 atom. Real-time avoidance strategy of dynamic obstacles via half model-free detection and tracking with 2D lidar for mobile robots. Human–robot co-manipulation during surface tooling: a general framework based on impedance control, haptic rendering and discrete geometry ...
Robotics Research Centre (RRC) - Nanyang Technological …
RRC is organised into research groups with staff drawn from the academic and research staff of EEE, MAE and SCE. Currently, our research areas are focused on these sectors: • Healthcare & Assistive Robotics • Social Robot & Human-Robot Interaction • Industrial Robot & Manufacturing Automation • Infrastructure Robotics • Autonomous ...
About Us | Robotics Research Centre (RRC) | NTU Singapore
It is the first interdisciplinary research centre on robotics in Singapore. The Centre's mission is to conduct cutting edge research in robotics, to pursue translational R&D for maximal socio-economical impact and to nurture future industrial leaders and work forces in …
Preliminary studies of the modelling and control of a twin-barrel ...
From the experience of the first generation single-cylinder vehicle, RRC ROV I, modified from the Super Safir, originally manufactured in France, a "Twin Barrel" ROV is being developed-RRC ROV II. This paper discusses the modelling and control of ROV II in comparison to ROV I.
Research Focus | Robotics Research Centre (RRC) | NTU Singapore
RRC is organised into research groups with staff drawn from the academic and research staff of EEE, MAE and SCE. Currently, our research areas are focused on these sectors. Healthcare & Assistive Robotics; Social Robot & Human-Robot Interaction; Industrial Robot & Manufacturing Automation; Infrastructure Robotics
RRC Conference Papers | NTU Singapore
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