NTX 2000 - Turn & Mill Machines - DMG MORI
Simultaneous 5-axis machining with the Direct Drive Motor (DDM) on the B-axis. 6-face machining is available with Spindle 2 to complete the machining of components on one machine. Cooling oil circulation in spindle motors and ball screws controls thermal displacement and achieves highly accurate machining.
The NTX mill/turn centers produce the most demanding workpieces with maximum precision and absolute efficiency. The NTX 1000 2nd Generation and the NTX 2000 in the DMG MORI portfolio represent a synonym for maximum productivity in the production of complex components.
NTX 2000 - DMG MORI的车/铣复合中心 - DMG MORI China
每一台DMG MORI机床都可通过标准自动化或定制自动化解决方案进行升级,确保灵活的制造系统: GX 3 / 5 / 7 / 15 // GX 5 / 10 T - 用于一台或多台床的模块化龙门装载站系统 为一… 高度灵 …
NTX 2000 2nd Generation | Products - DMG MORI
2022年2月10日 · The NTX 2000 2nd Generation is an all-round machine that enables high-precision, high-efficiency machining of complex-shaped workpieces for the aircraft, medical equipment, automotive, die & mold, precision equipment industries. Equipped with a spacious machining area as well as high cutting capabilities of turning centers and machining centers ...
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NTX2000ND EB03V CC15
The NTX 2000 is an all-round machine for machining workpieces with increasingly complex geometries in fields including aviation, medical equipment, automotive, die & mold, and precision instruments, efficiently and to high levels of accuracy. The NTX 2000 is capable of handling an extensive range of machining, from micro-fine machining to
NTX 2000 2nd Generation | 製品 - DMG MORI
2022年2月10日 · NTX 2000 2 nd Generationは、航空機、医療機器、自動車、金型、精密機器など、形状が複雑化するワークに対して、高い精度で効率よく加工するオールラウンドマシンです。 ターニングセンタとマシニングセンタの融合による高い加工能力に加え、広い加工エリアを備えており、微細加工から大型のワークまで幅広く対応します。 多品種少量部品から量産部品まで効率よく工程集約することで、お客様の生産性向上をサポートします。 ※掲載の写真 …
2018年3月27日 · The NTX 2000, 2500 and 3000 2nd Generation are all equipped with a high-performance spindle turnMASTER for turning and a 350 mm long tool spindle compactMASTER, ensuring overwhelming cutting capabilities. After a series of experiments and analyses, the models also achieve innovative chip disposal.
NTX系列 - DMG MORI China
ntx铣/车复合加工中心生产高精度的高难工件,而且加工效率高. 第二代ntx 1000和ntx 2000铣/车复合加工中心是dmg mori产品中高生产力的代表机型,广泛用于复杂工件的生产。
数控车削铣削中心 - NTX 2000 - DMG MORI/德马吉森精机 - 卧式 …
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供数控车削铣削中心产品详细信息。规格型号:NTX 2000,公司品牌:DMG MORI/德马吉森精机。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选数控车削铣削中心产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
Dmg Mori Seiki NTX2000 For Sale - CNC Machines
What is Dmg Mori Seiki NTX2000? The Dmg Mori Seiki NTX2000 is a sophisticated CNC machine known for multitasking capabilities. It enables simultaneous machining operations, making it integral to aerospace, automotive, and medical fields.