9M113 Konkurs - Wikipedia
Development began with the aim of producing the next generation of SACLOS anti-tank missiles, for use in both the man-portable role and the tank destroyer role. The 9M113 Konkurs was …
9M113比赛反坦克导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9M113比赛是 9K111大管 (英语:9K111 Fagot) 的衍生发展型号,具有更强的火力,可以使用相同的发射器,并且在外观上非常相似,只能通过9M113导弹管末端的轻微凸起来区分。 …
次时代反坦克导弹——苏联第二代反坦克导弹大全 - 知乎
9K113 Konkurs antitank missile system - Missilery.info
The 9K113 Konkurs self-propelled anti-tank system is designed to defeat modern armored targets at a distance of up to 4 km. It forms the basis of anti-tank means of regimental level and is …
9K113 Konkurs | Weaponsystems.net
The 9K113 system fires the 9M113 Konkurs missile that is fitted with the 9N131 HEAT warhead. This offers a penetration of 750 to 800mm RHA without explosive reactive armor (ERA).
“Sturm-S” - 地面单位的反坦克盾
2013年8月21日 · 该综合体有多个版本:用于空军的直升机 9K113“Sturm-V”和用于满足地面部队需求的自行式“Sturm-S”。 1996年,在9M114 ATGM的基础上,研制出了9M120“阿塔卡”多用途 …
The Weapons’ Repository - 9M113 Konkurs
The 9K113 Konkurs (NATO code AT-5 Spandrel) is Russian-made Semi-automatic command to line of sight wire-guided anti-tank missile. The missile was designed and developed by the …
俄罗斯装备志——9M113反坦克导弹 - 知乎
2022年10月1日 · 9M113竞赛反坦克导弹,北约称为AT-5拱肩为苏联图拉设计局研制的第二代反坦克导弹,目前主要为俄罗斯制造,现对于能够单兵携带的反坦克火箭筒,竞赛体型较大,而且 …
9K113 Konkurs | Weaponsystems.net
The 9K113 Konkurs is an anti-tank missile of Soviet origin. It was developed at the same time as the smaller 9K111 Fagot and features a similar design. The 9K113 uses a larger and longer …
极简介绍“雌鹿”挂载的反坦克导弹型号演变 - 360doc
2023年9月15日 · 米-24V挂载的9K113“风暴-V”反坦克导弹系统的导弹部分,沿用了“方阵-P”的挂架。
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