Welcome to Altair HyperMesh NVH
High frequency NVH is an implementation of Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA), and is used to predict and analyze the vibration and acoustic response of complex dynamic systems.
Coarsen Mesh - Altair
High frequency NVH is an implementation of Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA), and is used to predict and analyze the vibration and acoustic response of complex dynamic systems.
Mesh Menu - Altair
NVH has the following meshing capabilities: Acoustic Cavity Mesh Create a fluid volume mesh for the open-air volumes of an enclosed compartment, such as the passenger compartment of a vehicle. ...
NVH Tools - help.altair.com
Discover NVH functionality with interactive tutorials. Full Vehicle NVH. Assembly. Learn how to create, open, import and save models. Analysis. Set up the simulation model, materials, domains and boundaries. NVH Tools. Coarsen Mesh. Simplify a mesh by combining many small elements into a smaller number of larger ones. Acoustic Cavity Meshing
NVH Tools - Altair
Acoustic cavity meshing for exterior noise generates a fluid volume mesh and boundary mesh used to calculate the acoustic modes, or standing waves, in the external air spaces of a powertrain, e-motor or similarly enclosed structural model.
NVH-1000: Acoustic Cavity - Altair
Specify options for: Mesh type: Hexa-tetrahedra, Minimum hexa corner jacobian: 0.2, Minimum tet-collapse: 0.1, Display structural cavities Largest: 10, No. of elements per wavelength: 6. Enter property values for acoustic cavity meshes.
SimLab NVH Analysis - Altair
In the training, attendees will learn how to create different types of acoustic mesh and how to set up acoustic analysis solutions such as Direct and Modal frequency response using Altair OptiStruct in SimLab. Users will finally visualize the acoustic results in form of sound pressure on a response surface, or as Equivalent Radiated Power (ERP).
HyperMesh NVH - Altair
View new features for HyperMesh NVH 2023. Learn the basics and discover the workspace. Discover NVH functionality with interactive tutorials. © 2023 Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights …
Hypermesh 网格划分_HyperMesh_汽车_NVH_控制_曲面-仿真秀干 …
翘曲度(warpage):用来衡量一个单元偏离平面的程度,仅适用于四边形单元,将四边形单元沿其对角线分成两个三角形,这两个三角形单元法向量之间的夹角(锐角)定义为该四边形网格的翘曲度。 理想值=0度,可接受值<16度。 翘曲度定义示意图. 2. 长宽比(aspect):单元最长边与该单元最短边之比。 理想值=1,可接受值<5。 长宽比定义示意图. 3. 扭曲度(skew):也称偏斜度,对于四边形单元定义为90度-两条中线夹角的最小值;三角形单元定义为90度-每个顶点与对 …
Acoustic Cavity Meshing - Altair
Acoustic Cavity meshing generates a fluid volume mesh used to calculate the acoustic modes (or standing waves) inside the air spaces of a vehicle or similarly enclosed structural model. Acoustic cavity meshing is primarily used by Noise, Vibration, and Handling (NVH) engineers to design quieter interiors. Figure 1.
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