1-乙烯基-2-吡咯烷酮 - 百度百科
1-乙烯基-2-吡咯烷酮(nvp),又名n-乙烯基-2-吡咯烷酮,是一种有机化合物,化学式为c6h9no,能与水、乙醇、乙醚和其他有机溶剂混溶,易与其他乙烯化合物共聚,应用于辐射医疗、木制地板工业、造纸或纸板行业、包装材料、丝网油墨行业通过nvp的使用提高产品 ...
On the role of N-vinylpyrrolidone in the aqueous radical-initiated ...
We propose that NVP forms a weak eosin/NVP ground state complex that may sufficiently alter the electronic density of the excited state eosin and slightly increase the rate of photoinduced electron transfer to TEOA (Scheme 2).
High-performance Na3V2(PO4)3 cathode material embedded in …
2024年12月1日 · Tea leaves can be used as a novel biomass carbon source, This study utilizes the natural pore structure of tea leaves to successfully prepare NVP/C composite materials with a three-dimensional porous carbon conductive network using a facile sol–gel method.
A novel visible light-curing chitosan-based hydrogel membrane …
2022年10月1日 · The photo-crosslinked hydrogel was fabricated by irradiating methacrylated O-CMCS with visible light in the presence of EY as a photoinitiator, TEA as a co-initiator, and NVP as a radical scavenger. To optimise the concentration of the photocrosslinking components, the cytotoxicity of EY, TEA, and NVP was studied.
高纯度NVP的制备难点与突破 - pvpworld.com
清华大学的研究团队开发了一种基于微反应器的乙炔法合成NVP的工艺。 通过优化反应温度、压力、气液流量和催化剂含量等参数,实现了NVP的高效合成。 在优化的条件下,NVP的选择性达到100%,乙炔的转化率达到77.6%。 进一步通过液相循环工艺,获得了95.6%的NVP高选择性和68.4%的高收率。 与传统高压釜工艺相比,该方法无需添加助剂,反应时间缩短,收率提高 …
由改性聚酰胺酸原位构建具有丰富缺陷的多孔 N 掺杂碳骨架,以提 …
添加三乙胺 (TEA) 与 PAA 中的羧基反应,实现酸碱中和,将 PAA 转化为溶解度好的聚酰胺盐。 通过非原位扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 和透射电子显微镜 (TEM) 观察了这种独特系统的特殊形貌构建机制。 具体来说,PAA 在预烧结过程中通过热聚合机制原位转化为链状聚酰亚胺 (PI)。 同时,NVP 前驱体均匀分散在 PI 纤维中,有效减小了粒径。 最终处理后,PI 的部分分解可以产生有利的多孔碳骨架,在其上原位生长小的活性颗粒。 所得的 N 掺杂碳衬底包含丰 …
通过2-(N-丙烯酰氧基)乙基吡咯烷酮的RAFT水溶液聚合,合成定 …
Optimization of Gelatin Methacryloyl Hydrogel Properties through …
2023年9月27日 · Visible-light-induced cross-linking is a well-known method for the preparation of GelMA hydrogels; however, a comprehensive investigation on the influence of critical parameters such as Eosin Y (EY), triethanolamine (TEA), and N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (NVP) concentrations on the stiffness and gelation time has yet to be performed. In this study ...
Optimization of a Gelatin–Potassium Phosphate Aqueous Two …
2019年1月11日 · Here, we present a simple method to generate water-in-water (w/w) emulsions from an aqueous two-phase system: gelatin and potassium phosphate (K 2 HPO 4) salt. Liquid gelatin forms as the dispersed phase of the two-phase emulsion system, and gelatin microspheres can be retrieved after a visible light-induced crosslinking reaction.
N-乙烯基吡咯烷酮NVP的应用 - Yearn Chemical
2023年9月20日 · nvp单体是光固化或电子束固化涂料的活性稀释剂,广泛应用于制药,化妆品,涂料光固化剂,墨水,粘结剂、胶水的原料。 是一种很好的UV光固化活性稀释剂,固化效果快,好,稳定,但成膜保水性、耐水性差,容易洗掉。