Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Northwest Africa 2737
6 天之前 · Furthermore, NWA 2737 displays trace element abundances similar to Chassigny. For example, its REE pattern resembles that of Chassigny but with a more pronounced LREE enrichment. Classification: Achondrite (Martian, chassignite); highly shocked.
Martian dunite NWA 2737: Integrated spectroscopic analyses of …
2008年6月18日 · A second Martian meteorite has been identified that is composed primarily of heavily shocked dunite, Northwest Africa (NWA) 2737. This meteorite has several similarities to the Chassigny dunite cum...
Martian Dunite NWA 2737: Petrographic constraints on geological history ...
2007年4月17日 · NWA 2737 is an olivine-rich rock that appears to be an igneous cumulate of olivine and chromite crystals, with interstitial pyroxenes (augite, pigeonite, and orthopyroxene) and fine-grained mesostasis (composed mostly of alkali feldspar glass).
科普:来自火星的黑色纯橄岩——NWA 2737火星陨石
2023年11月24日 · 2005年7月,命名被批准,国际命名: Northwest Africa 2737 (缩写: NWA 2737)。 NWA 2737陨石的发现成为继法国Chassigny陨石以后 全球第二个火星纯橄岩,此事在国际上也引起了轰动。 纯橄无球粒陨石 (Chassignite)是火星陨石的类群中 数量最少的,目前全球范围仅寻获 3个,即: Chassigny 、 NWA 2737 和 NWA 8694陨石。 NWA 2737陨石的氧同位素如下所示: δO-17 = 2.30~2.40; δO-18 = 3.85~4.02; ∆O-17 = 0.295~0.315。 根据测定全 …
Multiple hydrothermal events at martian surface revealed by H …
2024年12月15日 · We measured the H and Cl isotope systematics and their abundance on various phases from NWA 2737. Kaersutites in NWA 2737 are enriched in deuterium with δD values up to 6239‰. Multiple hydrothermal events on Mars have been recorded in NWA 2737. Martian underground water reservoir has a nearly constant δD …
Petrography and geochemistry of the chassignite Northwest Africa 2737 …
2006年4月15日 · We report on the petrology and geochemistry of the Northwest Africa 2737 (NWA 2737) meteorite that was recovered from the Morrocan Sahara in 2000. It is the second member of the chassignite subclass of the SNC (Shergotitte-Nakhlite-Chassignite) group of meteorites that are thought to have originated on Mars.
NWA 2737 is an olivine-rich rock that appears to be an igneous cumulate of olivine and chromite crystals, with interstitial pyroxenes (augite, pigeonite, and ortho-pyroxene) and fine-grained mesostasis (composed mostly of alkali feldspar glass).
Metal-saturated sulfide assemblages in NWA 2737: Evidence for …
2012年11月26日 · NWA 2737, a Martian meteorite from the Chassignite subclass, contains minute amounts (0.010 ± 0.005 vol%) of metal-saturated Fe-Ni sulfides. These latter bear evidence of the strong shock effects documented by abundant Fe nanoparticles and planar defects in Northwest Africa (NWA) 2737 olivine.
Northwest Africa 2737 Martian meteorite (NWA 2737)
Northwest Africa 2737 (NWA 2737) meteorite Chassignite (Martian dunite), found 2000. 611 g; 9 stones, 308 g, 128 g and smaller. A small group of stones found in Morocco turned out to be only the second recovered 'Chassignite' — an olivine-rich (~90 vol%) meteorite from Mars.
NWA 2737 - Meteorites
NWA 2737 or "Diderot" is a martian meteorite classified chassignite (SNC) THE DIDEROT METEORITE: THE SECOND CHASSIGNITE. P. Beck1, J-A. Barrat2, Ph.