Class Timetables | Studies | NWU | North-West University
Be sure to check timetables regularly (every day in the first two weeks of classes) as they are subject to change. (refresh your page, and clear your caches). 2025 Class timetables are available at the below links.
NWU Exam Papers: 2021- - North-West University
Watch this tutorial on how to search for exam papers. Enter the first 4 letters of your course code followed by an asterisk, for example accc*. Then click on Submit Query. If you cannot find a paper in this time period choose another period from the …
Student Registration Information | services.nwu.ac.za
You can sign in using your student number if you are a prospective / new student or your NWU account if you are a current student or employee. Click to learn more Alumni
NWU, Current Students - North-West University
On this link, you can find all the information you need about the NWU’s academic calendar, such as dates and details for registration, graduation ceremonies and the examinations. To enable you to plan your work and play in each semester in the finest detail, this link also guides you to the general yearbooks and academic timetables of the ...
Student Associations | humanities.nwu.ac.za - North-West University
In the North-West University VC, our faculty consists of five (5) different schools with programs looking into depth the integration of human interaction and experience in this rapidly changing world in which we exist, making provision of critical, analytical and intellectual skills to our fellow students to understand better and interpret vario...
西北大学研究生院(党委研究生工作部) - yjs.nwu.edu.cn
学校召开本学期研究生教育质量督导专题工作会议; 学校召开本学期研究生教育工作部署会; 研究生院(部)党支部召开专题 ...
登录 - nwu.edu.cn
Color & Guess - Poki
Support portal | services.nwu.ac.za - North-West University
Career centre NWU. Bursaries and loans. Undergraduate NWU postgraduate bursary scheme External bursaries; Distance students. Unit for distance learning UDL email: [email protected]; Call-centre 018 285 5900; Graduation enquiries: Contact number: 018 299 2623 & E-mail address: [email protected]; Learner Support Centres Exam Centres
关于新版WEBVPN上线试运行的通知 - 西北大学
为了方便广大师生能够安全,便捷的在校外访问学校图书馆数据库资源及校内业务系统,我中心积极推进并完成了新版WEBVPN的部署工作。 新版WEBVPN完全基于浏览器,无需下载安装客户端程序,拥有更好的兼容性和良好的使用体验,更加稳定完善的资源适配能力,可以为老师和学生提供更为方便的访问服务。 西北大学WEBVPN的服务对象为我校在校师生,必须通过统一身份认证 …