Navy Working Uniform - Wikipedia
United States Navy: NWU Type II & Type III were adopted as the current camouflage uniform of the Navy since 2010. As of 2017, NWU Type III is worn standard by sailors as well as special operations forces such as SEALs, DEVGRU, Seabees and EOD units, while NWU Type II is primarily for the SEALs and DEVGRU.
About NWU Type II & Type III - United States Navy
NWU Type II and III were developed by Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) to increase the probability of mission success and survivability in combat operations. The NWU Type II uniform is...
6801-6806 Organizational Clothing - MyNavyHR
The NWU Type II coloring scheme consist of two unique four-shaded digital camouflage profiles (Desert figure 6-8-1) developed by Naval Special Warfare (NSW) under the authority and guidance of...
NWU? AOR? What’s the Deal with the New Navy Uniforms?
2010年8月11日 · NWU Type II will ONLY be worn by Naval Special Warfare Operators and the Sailors who support them. The 3-color desert camouflage uniform is not going away. Sailors not authorized to wear the NWU Type II will continue to wear the current tricolor desert camouflage utility uniform in desert environments when issued by authorized command.
Navy Working Uniform II/III Guidelines - navsup.navy.mil
Navy Working Uniform II/III Guidelines. The Navy Working Uniform (NWU) Type II/III went from concept to delivery in just fifteen months. The uniforms were developed using...
Article 3603.4a - MyNavyHR
One or two shoulder patches may be optionally worn on the NWU Type II/III. Optionally worn shoulder patches will be purchased at the wearer’s personal expense. Command mandated shoulder patches...
【评测】【BK测评】NWU II与AOR1之前种种关系 - 百度贴吧
【评测】【bk测评】..此篇测评文章 仅发表个人看法和理解 如有不对 欢迎大家提出指正!之前军号论坛金属面条发过aor2和nwu iii的对比 有兴趣的朋友自己搜索看看先说说aor的起源吧 最开始的aor项目是nsw牵头的项
海豹突击队和海军陆战队的沙漠数码迷彩有什么区别? - 知乎
实名反对那个说nwu 和aor不同的。 NAVFAC NWU Program Manager都已经确认过了,NWU II and III patterns used are in fact AOR1 and AOR2, patterns which have been in development for many years now by Naval Special Warfare.
Recruiters are authorized to wear the NWU Type III in the Continental United States (CONUS), Hawaii and Guam per commanding officer discretion with the exception of . school/college visits,...
NWU Type II - Uniform Trading Company
The Type II uniform camo, originally codenamed AOR1, was worn by specialized units and the sailors that support them; such as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, Navy SEALs, Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsmen, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technicians, and Seabees when in the appropriate environment.