NWU Templates for MS Office | services.nwu.ac.za
This service provides access to the official NWU templates for: MS Word: Agendas, Exam papers, Letterheads, Minutes, Standard Documentation, etc. MS Excel: Multiple Choice. MS PowerPoint: For different presentations.
Shared PowerPoints | distance.nwu.ac.za
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10.1 How to choose a different bullet, sizes and colours Different types of bullets can be chosen and it is not limited to the default black dot as set by PowerPoint. To choose a different bullet, please see picture below: Click the Home tab. Select the Bullets down arrow.
法学院日常各类工作类PPT模板-法学院-新版 - nwu.edu.cn
1.法学院党建会议PPT模板.pptx2.法学院招生宣传PPT模板 .pptx3.法学院论文PPT模板.pptx
相关下载-西北大学哲学学院 - nwu.edu.cn
欢迎访问西北大学哲学学院 2025年03月20日 星期四
This service provides access to the official NWU templates for …
This service provides access to the official NWU templates for MSWord, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint.
NWU official templates for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. is now available from the NWU's Microsoft 365 environment. Please make sure that your PC/Laptop is connected to the internet. Click file New. Click North-West University and choose the template you want to use. Follow the instructions and save the document.
The official MS Word and MS PowerPoint Information Technology templates of the NWU can be accessed after a staff member has: logged into the Novell network or; logged into via a web browser.
2018年5月24日 · 独家设计NWU专属高颜值PPT模板大派送,10套任选! …… 减少文字、多用图表图示。 能用图,不用表;能用表,不用字. 在制作中使用相同的字体,补充字体尽量不超过两种。 如使用系统默认以外的字体应提前在展示设备上安装好. 日常汇报中,每张PPT停留时间不少于15秒。 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服 …
哲学学院专属ppt模板2021-西北大学哲学学院 - nwu.edu.cn
欢迎访问西北大学哲学学院 2025年03月20日 星期四哲学学院专属ppt模板2021
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