Processors and Microcontrollers - NXP Semiconductors
From 8-bit MCUs to PowerQUICC ® processors, the NXP legacy MCU and processor portfolio offers various levels of integration and enablement with a broad range of performance.
处理器和微控制器 | NXP 半导体
S32V234处理器适用于ADAS、NCAP前视摄像头、异物检测和识别、环视、机器学习和传感器融合应用。 i.MX RT系列跨界MCU具有较高的集成度和安全性,同时还有价格合理和MCU级可 …
i.MX Applications Processors - NXP Semiconductors
Multicore solutions for multimedia and display applications with high-performance and low-power capabilities that are scalable, safe and secure. i.MX applications processors are part of the …
i.MX 8系列应用处理器_Arm® Cortex®-A72/A53/A35/M4内核 | NXP …
i.MX 8系列应用处理器作为EdgeVerse ™ 边缘计算 平台的一部分,是一种功能和性能可扩展的多核平台,包括基于Arm ® Cortex ® 架构的单核、双核和四核系列产品,提供基于Cortex-A72 …
Arm Processors | NXP Semiconductors
NXP Arm-based processors portfolio offers the high level of integration, comprehensive software and hardware enablement, and a broad range of performance
i.MX 6系列应用处理器_多核Arm Cortex-A7/A9/M4 | NXP 半导体
i.MX 6系列应用处理器是一个功能和性能可扩展的多核平台,包括基于Arm Cortex架构的单核、双核和四核系列产品。 i.MX 6系列成为开发一系列基于单一硬件设计的终端产品的理想平台。
i.MX - Wikipedia
The i.MX range is a family of NXP proprietary microprocessors dedicated to multimedia applications based on the ARM architecture and focused on low-power consumption.
Cross-over Processor M7 ARM ® v8-A (32-bit/ 64-bit) 2-→ 15-m 6-→ 5-m CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY –UNDER NDA
Layerscape® 1046A | NXP 半导体
Arm-Based Desktop uCPE for Wireless Broadband Applications w/ NXP® Layerscape® LS1046A SoC Processor, 7 x 1GbE RJ45 ports, and optional support for wireless connectivity.
プロセッサ&マイクロコントローラ | NXP Semiconductors
nxpは、車載、民生機器、産業機器の市場セグメント向けに、8ビット、16ビット、32ビットの各プラットフォームにわたるマイクロコントローラ (mcu) およびmpuの幅広いポートフォリオ …