S32R41 Evaluation Board - NXP Semiconductors
S32R41 EVB offers a wide variety of features and interfaces to facilitate HW and SW development and reduce customer’s time to market, e.g., 2x MIPI-CSI2 to connect NXP’s TEF82xx RFCMOS transceivers, CAN FD, LIN and Ethernet (1Gbps and 100Mbps).
S32R41评估板 | NXP 半导体
S32R41 EVB内置了S32R41 MPU,搭载了Arm ® Cortex ® A53内核和三核Arm CortexM7锁步内核以及专用雷达处理加速器,适用于高分辨率雷达系统,可满足L2自动驾驶应用及更多应用的需求。
S32G Vehicle Network Processing Evaluation Board 3 - NXP …
The S32G-VNP-EVB3 is an evaluation and development board engineered for developing vehicle network processing applications, such as vehicle computers, service-oriented gateways and domain controllers.
S32R45 Evaluation Board - NXP Semiconductors
Based on quad Arm ® Cortex ® A53 cores and triple Arm Cortex M7 lockstep cores in the S32R45 MPU, the S32R45 EVB offers substantial radar processing capabilities, in addition to a wide variety of interfaces (CAN FD, LIN, FlexRay ®, …
S32K312EVB-Q172通用开发板 | NXP 半导体
S32K312EVB-Q172是工业和汽车应用通用评估/开发板。 S32K312EVB-Q172基于采用172 MaxQFP封装的32位Arm ® Cortex ® -M7 S32K3 MCU,提供单核模式、HSE安全引擎、OTA支持、高级连接和低功耗模式。 S32K312EVB-Q172提供与Arduino ® UNO引脚布局兼容的标准规格,为快速应用原型设计和演示提供了广泛的扩展板选项。 S32K312EVB-Q172 Evaluation and Development Board for General-Purpose Industrial and Automotive applications.
S32K144-Q100 General-Purpose Evaluation Board - NXP …
S32K144EVB is a low-cost evaluation board based on the 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M4F based S32K14 MCU for quick application prototyping and demonstration for general-purpose automotive and industrial.
S32G汽车网络处理评估板3 | NXP 半导体
S32G-VNP-EVB3是一款评估和开发板,专为开发汽车网络处理应用而设计,如服务型网关和域控制器。 S32G-VNP-EVB3基于面向汽车网络的S32G2和S32G3处理器,除了出色的安全计算性能外,还提供汽车和企业网络技术的组合,以及适用于汽车网络的多种接口(CAN/LIN/FlexRay/以太网)。 S32G-VNP-EVB3包括具有PCI Express和USB接口的外设,OEM、一级供应商和软件生态体系合作伙伴可利用这些设备加快产品上市速度。 S32G Vehicle Network Processing …
S32R45评估板 | NXP 半导体
S32R45 EVB基于S32R45 MPU中的四核Arm ® Cortex ® A53和三核Arm Cortex M7锁步内核,提供强大的雷达处理能力,以及各种接口(CAN FD、LIN、FlexRay ® 、以太网),可促进硬件和软件开发。
Solved: UART test on S32K144 EVB - NXP Community
2017年8月14日 · My project requirement has Qualcomm snapdragon processor communicating with S32K144 MCU over UART. Before complete setup is available, Initially I want to test basic working of UART on S32K144 EVB. I got sample UART application for S32K144 in S32 Design studio. I have connected S32K144 EVB to laptop over USB cable. I could start debug session.
S32G2 Vehicle Networking Evaluation Board | NXP ... - NXP …
Based on quad Arm ® Cortex ®-A53 cores and triple, dual-core lockstep Arm Cortex-M7 cores, the S32G-VNP-EVB offers a combination of automotive and enterprise networking technology with a wealth of interfaces (CAN/LIN/FlexRay/Ethernet) for vehicle networks, in addition to substantial safe compute performance. The S32G-VNP-EVB includes ...