RF GaN Experience | NXP Semiconductors
5 天之前 · On September 29, 2020, NXP opened the RF Gallium Nitride (GaN) 150 mm (6-inch) wafer size fab in Chandler, Arizona. This fab combines NXP’s expertise as the industry leader in RF power and its high-volume manufacturing know-how, resulting in streamlined innovation that supports the expansion of 5G base stations and advanced communication ...
RF | NXP Semiconductors
NXP’s new family of RF power macro GaN transistors are designed for 40 W to 80 W radio units targeting 4T4R and 8T8R infrastructures. Browse our portfolio of LDMOS and GaN transistors that support applications for the aerospace and defense market. Use our interactive product guide to browse our macro, mMIMO and consumer and industrial portfolios.
NXP Advances 5G with New Gallium Nitride Fab in Arizona
2020年9月29日 · NXP is leading 5G cellular infrastructure expansion with the new 150 mm (6”) fab and its 20 years of GaN development expertise focused on power density, gain and linearized efficiency.
新型Airfast GaN射频晶体管带来大量创新设计理念 | NXP 半导体
2021年9月10日 · Airfast GaN A3G26D055N是一款55W峰值GaN分立晶体管,采用紧凑型DFN 7 x 6.5 mm超模压塑封。 该器件具有优异的输出,可填充多个频段,在48 V下运行时,能效提升超 …
恩智浦祝大家新年加油GaN!氮化镓(GaN)持续加速5G基站建设 | NXP …
LDMOS在低频率上性能最佳,特别是在3 GHz以下的频率上。 5G使用的更高频率,GaN的效率更高。 与同类LDMOS器件相比,GaN能够以更小的尺寸处理更高的电压,并且可以比普通芯片提供更大的毫米波频率范围。 GaN已经用于微波传输,在接近新5G用例的毫米波频谱区间 ...
NXP、5Gマルチチップ・モジュールにGaN技術を採用し、モバイ …
2021年6月28日 · NXPの5Gインフラ向けマルチチップ・モジュールへのGaN技術の採用により、効率を8パーセント向上 無線子局のサイズと重量を低減、5Gシステムの設計と展開を迅速化
氮化镓GAN功放在5G中的作用 - CSDN博客
20 小时之前 · 如今,LDMOS技术仍在射频基站市场中占据最大份额,但预计在5G大规模MIMO部署中,GaN将继续取代其地位。 LDMOS功放(图片来自NXP) GAN功放及其测试Demo板(图片来自NXP) 为Sub-6大规模MIMO提供动力
NXP Opens New 150mm GaN Fab in Arizona To Support 5G Growth
2020年10月2日 · NXP this week opened its own new 150mm (6-inch) GaN fab built in Arizona to focus primarily on the communications infrastructure market for 5G radio systems and with technology migration to future 6G in mind.
NXP Brings GaN to 5G Multi-Chip Modules for Energy-Efficient …
2021年6月28日 · Building on the company’s investment in its GaN fab in Arizona, the most advanced fab dedicated to RF power amplifiers in the United States, NXP is the first to announce RF solutions for 5G massive MIMO that combine the high efficiency of GaN with the compactness of multi-chip modules.
RF GaN Experience | NXP 半导体
On September 29, 2020, NXP opened the RF Gallium Nitride (GaN) 150 mm (6-inch) wafer size fab in Chandler, Arizona. This fab combines NXP’s expertise as the industry leader in RF power and its high-volume manufacturing know-how, resulting in streamlined innovation that supports the expansion of 5G base stations and advanced communication ...