PCA943X | NFC Wireless Charging Power Receiver - NXP …
PCA943x is integrated low-power wireless charging receiver, featuring dead battery supply, low standby consumption and protection mechanisms.
PCA9430HK Product Information|NXP
PCA943x is designed to follow the NFC Forum standard for wireless charging. It is part of a solution offering from NXP for NFC wireless charging. With its two low-dropout-regulators PC9431 is the perfect substitution for cable connectors. PCA9430 implements direct charging of single li-ion cells, on top.
NXP NFC 无线充电方案介绍 - 大大通(简体站)
2021年4月14日 · PCA943X 是功率接收芯片,内置过压保护和过热保护,CRN120 与 PCA943X 可以通过 I2C 与主控连接。 主控的功能主要是控制 PCA943X 的输出和控制功率调节的相关参数,并与 CRN120 进行数据交换,主控可以由客户自由选择,NXP 负责提供可移植的固件库,也可以直接使用 NXP Demo 板上使用的 LPC804 MCU,加快开发进程。 3.2 NXP NFC WLC Solution 芯片规格. ① CTN730 芯片规格 – NFC 充电控制器. ② CRN120 芯片规格 – NFC 充电通讯接 …
NFC充电 | NXP 半导体
凭借恩智浦NFC充电解决方案,触控笔、智能眼镜、可穿戴设备和可听戴设备等小型全密封电池供电设备可充分利用恩智浦可靠的 NFC 通信和高达500 mW的高效电源路径。 支持设备身份验证、固件更新和配对。 NFC Forum认证计划确保NFC认证的产品之间的一致性和互操作性。 我们以下产品现已获得NFC认证: 为功率高达500mW的小型电池供电设备提供无线充电功能。 我们与合作伙伴一起开发了NFC无线充电体验的高级功能。 了解NFC充电的用途和种类、工作原理、标 …
NXP NFC WLC 硬件设计指南(上) - 大大通
2021年9月30日 · 射频系统主要由发射和接收两部分组成,发射部分由 CTN730 和其天线匹配电路构成,接收部分由 MCU + CRN120(NTAG) + PCA943x(无线充电接收器) 组成,其中 NXP 的方案中,MCU 为 LPC804。 玩过 NXP NFC 读卡器的小伙伴应该不难看出,发射部分的组成部分和普通 NFC 读卡器是一致的。 从左往右,从上往下,一共由四部分组成: 上图中的接收电路只有射频部分,其余部分还有一个 MCU 接到 CRN120 和 PCA9431,在这里就不多赘述了。 接 …
PCA943X | NFC Wireless Charging Power Receiver - NXP
PCA943x is integrated low-power wireless charging receiver, featuring dead battery supply, low standby consumption and protection mechanisms.
NFC Wireless Charger CRN120 CTN73x PCA943x - NXP Community
2023年3月30日 · We have a project that wants to use NFC wireless charging, use NFC for NDEF communication, and support wireless charging. CRN120, CTN73x, PCA943x can meet the requirements, but there are few documents. How can I view more detailed design documents? I saw the following reply in another post, but my Secure Files are 0. I have signed the NDA.
2024年12月17日 · PCA943x is designed to follow the NFC Forum standard for wireless charging. It is part of a solution offering from NXP for NFC wireless charging. With its two low-dropout-regulators PC9431 is the perfect substitution for cable connectors. PCA9430 implements direct charging of single li-ion cells, on top.
Solved: NFC - NXP Community
2024年6月21日 · Unfortunately, the use of PCA943x requires rectifier diodes as shared by Tomas (06-25-24). Additionally for the communication, the matching circuit needs the NTAG or a CRN120. Please request access to AN12641 for further hardware guidelines.
PCA943x is designed to follow the NFC Forum standard for wireless charging. It is part of a solution offering from NXP for NFC wireless charging. With its two low-dropout-regulators PC9431 is the perfect substitution for cable connectors. PCA9430 implements direct charging of single li-ion cells, on top.