RFID / NFC - NXP Semiconductors
Enable wireless charging capabilities for small, battery-powered devices with power levels of up to 500 mW. Broad portfolio of NFC frontend and NFC controller solutions to target a wide set of applications, adjustable performance, power savings, and security. The NXP sensing portfolio combines sensing with NFC connectivity to create smart devices.
UCODE RAIN RFID 高性能标签芯片加速了物联网的发展,将数十亿日常物品连接到云端。 提高读取敏感度和快速编程功能,改善供应链可视化和库存管理,从而满足大容量市场的需求。 将加密AES认证与长距离读取范围相结合,可提高智慧城市用例的安全性。 使用高达2kb的用户存储器来存储数据。 恩智浦UCODE ® 9xm结合领先的性能与客户可配置的大容量存储器,扩展工业RFID标签应用. UCODE 9xm是一款性能卓越的产品,它能够标记更多不同类型的物品,让供应链的 …
NFC Antenna Design Tool | Antenna Design Hub | NXP ... - NXP …
Explore the hub and download the Antenna Design Tool for faster antenna tuning and matching. It has a simple GUI to make it very easy to start designing and simulating antennas and it works with all standard NXP NFC Reader ICs on the market.
ICODE 3: High-performance HF tag IC for IOT | NXP Semiconductors
2024年3月20日 · Wherever RFID tags need to work at both vicinity and close range, ICODE 3 delivers boosted RF performance and reading speed while in manufacturing and supply chain, then extended NFC features augment the user experience and …
ICODE 3:高性能HF标签集成电路,适用于物联网。 - NXP
icode 3专为rfid需要高效覆盖近距离及远距离的应用场景设计。 它不仅能为制造和供应链提供卓越的射频性能和快速的读取速度,而且在最终用户使用时,其扩展的NFC功能能够提升用户体验并增强隐私保护。
UCODE 8/8m | NXP 半导体
UCODE 8/8m offer high performance and features for use in the most demanding RFID tagging applications. Particularly well suited for inventory management applications, like e.g Retail and Fashion, with its proven RF performance for any given form factor, UCODE 8/8m enables long read distance and fast inventory of dense RFID tag population.
RFID / NFC | NXP Semiconductors
NXPの HITAG 製品は、高い信頼性、堅実な性能、安全なデータ伝送を実現しており、低周波数 (LF) RFID市場をサポートしています。 RFID/NFCに関するさまざまなトレーニングをご紹介します。 eパスポートやeIDなど「信頼できる旅行者」の証明文書に、セキュアRAIN RFIDテクノロジを導入することが最近のトレンドとなっています。 読み取り操作に対する耐久性が大幅に高まると同時に、セキュリティを犠牲にすることなく入国時などの待ち時間を短縮できます。 サ …
UCODE 9xe | NXP Semiconductors
Designed as a drop-in replacement for the high-performance UCODE 9, the UCODE 9xe offers the same feature set, RF performance and compatibility with Auburn ARC-certified antennas as the UCODE 9, but with 128 bits of Electronic Product Code (EPC) memory to support a wider range of IoT use cases.
ucode rain rfidは、サプライチェーンやロジスティクス・アプリケーションにおいて、高い衝突防止率、広い検知範囲、ブランドの保護を実現し、高速動作を可能にします。
NFC TagWriter App by NXP
The NFC TagWriter app by NXP allows writing tags, enabling users to store contacts, bookmarks, pair with Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth®, enable hotspots, send text messages and much more all with just a tap. Once data has been stored the application allows also reading and viewing the programmed data including options to launch applications ...