Home | Department of Financial Services
The Department of Financial Services supervises many different types of institutions. Supervision by DFS may entail chartering, licensing, registration requirements, examination, and more.
Insurance Agent and Broker Licensing - Department of Financial Services
To determine if an individual or entity is licensed to sell insurance in New York, use the Producer/Licensee Search option. DFS uses IdentoGO Centers for live scan fingerprinting services. learn more on our Fingerprinting for DFS page.
Agents and Brokers: Renew a License - Department of Financial Services
New York resident licensees must complete courses offered by a Department-approved provider organization. Courses may be offered in a classroom setting, via webinar, or as self-study with a textbook or online self-study. You can find a list of DFS-approved providers at Continuing Education Provider Search.
About Us - Department of Financial Services
The New York State Department of Financial Services seeks to build an equitable, transparent, and resilient financial system that benefits individuals and supports business.
login - DFS Portal
The Department of Financial Services supervises many different types of institutions. Supervision by DFS may entail chartering, licensing, registration requirements, examination, and more.
Applications and Filings - Department of Financial Services
Use the links below to find all of the applications, licensing information, forms, filing instructions, and many other resources and tools unique to each type of entity we supervise. DFS also registers, certifies, approves, permits, authorizes and de-authorizes certain entities.
主页 |金融服务部
在全国消费者保护周期间,州长 Hochul 宣布 $ 245 。 32024 年为New Yorkers挽回损失 100 万美元. 金融服务部监管许多不同类型的机构。 DFS 的监督可能涉及特许、许可、注册要求、检查等。 自動翻譯並不完美、也不是為了取代人工翻譯。 由於翻譯軟體限制、某些頁面或內容可能無法準確翻譯。 閱讀完整的免責聲明.
Contact Us - Department of Financial Services
Call DFS at (800) 342-3736 or send us an email. Use our online Consumer Complaint process to file a complaint with DFS about an insurance company, bank, student loan, mortgage or …
Consumer Home Page | Department of Financial Services
DFS can answer questions about financial products and services in New York. If you have a question, need help, or want to file a complaint against a financial institution or insurance company, contact us.
New York State Department of Financial Services - Wikipedia
The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS or NYSDFS) is the department of the New York state government responsible for regulating financial services and products, including those subject to the New York insurance, banking and financial services laws.