Real-Time Dashboard - NYISO
Data and information related to real-time and day ahead market operations. You will find graphics and maps demonstrating the day ahead market zonal LBMP, real-time fuel mix, load, load vs. LBMP, fuel mix, flow, interregional data, and interface data.
Markets - NYISO
You will find graphics and maps demonstrating the day-ahead market zonal LBMP, real-time fuel mix, load, load vs. LBMP, fuel mix, flow, interregional data, and interface data. Find real-time …
NYISO Load Zones & Utilities - ArcGIS
2024年3月14日 · Interactive map of NYISO load zones and utilities.
For information about New York State's wholesale energy market and these energy pricing zones, visit the New York Independent System Operator's (NYISO's) website at www.nyiso.com. Zones A, B, C, D and E are in the West pricing zone. Zone F is in the East pricing zone. Zones G, H and I are in the Lower Hudson Valley pricing zone.
Electric/Utility_and_Load_Zones (MapServer) - Government of …
Full Extent: XMin: -79.76200471396798 YMin: 40.49610499999999 XMax: -71.85629099999991 YMax: 45.00687885923239 Spatial Reference: 4326 (4326) Units: esriDecimalDegrees Supported Image Format Types: PNG32,PNG24,PNG,JPG,DIB,TIFF,EMF,PS,PDF,GIF,SVG,SVGZ,BMP Document Info: Title: Author: Comments: Subject: Category: Keywords: load zone,utility,nyiso
LBMP Results Index - NYISO
ISO Load Forecast P-7 Zonal Bid Load P-59 Weather Forecast P-7A Actual Load Real-Time Actual Load P-58B Integrated Real-Time Actual Load P-58C Reports & Information Day-Ahead Market Daily Energy Report P-30 NYISO Capacity Report P-60 Balancing Market Advisory Summary P-31 Real-Time Events P-35 Real-Time Fuel Mix P-63 NYISO Operational ...
New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) - Department …
The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) monitors the reliability of the state’s power system and coordinates the daily operations to distribute electricity supply. The NYISO provides open access to the state’s transmission system to allow competitive generation services.
NYISO load zones and utility territory NPL - Overview - ArcGIS
2018年3月8日 · Make your item easy to find, understand, and use by providing this information. Your tile layer is ready to use. This tile layer will automatically create tiles as needed and …
Access data, statistics, and visualizations about New York's electricity grid. A bar graph of the percent of annual electrical demand served by energy source. As required by the CLCPA legislation, 100% of New York State's electrical demand will need to come from carbon-free energy sources by 2040, and 70% from renewable energy sources by 2030.