Nippon Yusen - Wikipedia
'Japan Mail Ship Company'), also known as NYK Line, is a Japanese shipping company. The company headquarters are located in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. It operates a fleet of over 800 ships, which includes container ships, tankers, bulk and woodchip carriers, roll-on/roll-off car carriers, reefer vessels, LNG carriers, and cruise ships.
NYK Group - NYK Line
The NYK Group continues to grow beyond the scope of a comprehensive logistics company. "NYK Group" - Provides information about the NYK Group.
About Us - NYK Line
NYK Group Profile. Introducing NYK's corporate activities, going beyond the scope of a comprehensive global logistics enterprise, with the medium term management plan, "Sail Green, Drive Transformations 2026 - A Passion for Planetary Wellbeing." [8'03"]
NYK Group Europe - NYK Group Europe
NYK employs about 34,000 people worldwide. The company has offices in 240 locations in 27 countries, warehouses on nearly every continent, and harbour operations in Asia, North America, and Europe. NYK is based in Tokyo, and has regional headquarters in London, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sydney, and Sao Paulo.
日本邮船 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
日本邮船 (日语: 日本郵船/にっぽんゆうせん Nippon yūsen * /? 、 东证1部: 9101)是 日本 大型 海运 公司,与 三菱商事 同为 三菱财阀 (今 三菱集团)的源流企业。 为了使海空运能达到一条龙的服务,因此下设相关企业如邮船通运公司等,在主要海外各分支机构负责进出口承揽业务、报关业务、自主保税仓库、发货中心、汽车货运配送及库存管理,使服务脉络更广阔。 1870年 九十九商会(之后改名为三川商会、三菱商会)设立。 1875年 在三菱财阀创立者 岩崎弥太郎 …
日本邮船 - 百度百科
Corporate - NYK Group Europe
NYK's revenue in fiscal 2017 exceeded $21 billion, and as a group NYK employs about 37,000 people worldwide. NYK is based in Tokyo and has regional headquarters in London, New York/New Jersey, Singapore, and Shanghai.
Through Dialogues Initiated by Human Rights, Realizing Enriched …
2025年3月14日 · The NYK Group mission statement of “Bringing value to life” originates from the words of Mitsubishi Group founder Yataro Iwasaki. “If we float a ship, it will bring more value to the world, and the benefits will fall on the heads of all the people.” (Paraphrased translation by NYK) The NYK Group has inherited a sense of mission that …
NYK Line - LinkedIn
Since its founding in 1885, the NYK Group has been expanding its activities as a comprehensive global logistics enterprise, taking pride in supporting people's lives and livelihoods, with a...
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