Crate Day - Wikipedia
Crate Day is an unofficial celebration in New Zealand, held on the first Saturday of December every year. [1] Participants set themselves the challenge of finishing a crate of twelve 745ml beer bottles between 12pm until midnight. [2] The total alcohol content of a crate, 300 grams, is close to a lethal dose. [3]
CRATE DAY - December 3, 2024 - National Today
Crate Day is a semi-national New Zealand holiday celebrated on the first Saturday in December. It takes place on December 3 this year. It is a distinctive New Zealand custom to share a crate of beer to celebrate the approach of summer. The holiday celebration can be done in the privacy of homes, at parks, or on the beach.
Crate Day in New Zealand in 2025 - There is a Day for that!
New Zealand has a semi national holiday called crate day where you have to drink a crate of beer on the first Saturday of December. To celebrate the arrival of Summer, a unique New Zealand custom is to share a crate of beer on the first Saturday in December
'Crate Day' can mean 12 beers in 12 hours – and that's not
Crate Day. The goal: neck 12, 745ml bottles between noon and midnight. It’s six o’clock closing take two: sanctioned inebriation within a specified time frame. New Zealand bathes itself not in glory but alcohol, and then it throws up on the lawn.
Crate Day (December 6th, 2025) - Days Of The Year
2024年5月26日 · Crate Day is a lively and cherished event in New Zealand, bringing people together to celebrate with crates of beer. The day symbolizes the start of summer, encouraging friends to gather and enjoy each other’s company. This unofficial holiday has become a staple in Kiwi culture, emphasizing the joy of shared experiences and festive fun.
National Crate Day - Stuff
2025年1月12日 · National Crate Day has caused havoc at Manly Beach, North Auckland for four years running. Residents are fed up with their property being damaged and urinated on.
A crate day for New Zealand | The New Zealand Initiative
2024年12月6日 · For the uninitiated, Crate Day involves the sophisticated activity of consuming an entire crate of your local beer while engaging in classic Kiwiana activities. Swimming at the beach, sitting in the back of a truck bed, or watching at least four boys attempting to light one barbeque are all officially endorsed escapades.
Crate Day: A Kiwi Tradition of Beer and Bonhomie
It's Crate Day, New Zealand's unofficial holiday dedicated to the noble pursuit of emptying a dozen beer bottles in as little time as possible. Crate Day, or "Crate Day" as it's locally known, is a celebration that has taken root in Kiwi culture.
Why Is Crate Day A Thing? [2024] - summerstirs.com
When it comes to celebrating the arrival of summer in New Zealand, one event that has gained immense popularity and sparked both enthusiasm and debate is Crate Day. But why exactly is Crate Day a thing? Let’s delve into the history and significance of this unique tradition.
There is a Day for that!
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//There is a Day for That!//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:New Zealand Holidays X-WR-CALDESC:Important Dates in New Zealand.