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Know your career or no idea? No matter where you're at, NZMA will help you move ahead. With smaller class sizes, we aim to support the needs of each individual student. Drop in to a campus, meet friendly faces, and discover why NZMA might be the perfect place for you. Or check out our flexible and convenient online study options.
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Start moving forward with one of our popular programmes in Hospitality, Cookery, Trades, Early Childhood Education, Health, Pharmacy and Sport.
International Students - NZMA
Why NZMA? Smaller class sizes. Friendly, welcoming campuses. Caring tutors with real industry experience. Fun classes with lots of support. Industry-based training that gives you real skills . We’ll help get you work-ready too. NZMA, is a category one provider and the largest private tertiary group in New Zealand.
新西兰管理学院-NZMA - Lander International 蓝德国际
新西兰管理学院-nzma 成立于1985年,所有课程得到雇主和nzqa高度认可,是新西兰学历评估委员会评为最高级别的一类院校。作为行业的领军院校,nzma致力于提供给全球学生世界一流的酒店管理、西餐烹饪和商务管理课程的专业教育。
新西兰管理学院_官方授权中国代理处_NZMA_New Zealand Management Academies
新西兰管理学院 ( NZMA,New Zealand Management Academies)于1985年创立,学院课程得到雇主和NZQA的认可,是新西兰学历评估委员会评为最高级别的一类院校。 作为行业的领头军,NZMA致力于提供给全球学生世界一流的酒店管理、西餐烹饪和商务管理课程的专业教育。
NZMA新西兰管理学院 - 金吉列留学官网
2018年10月9日 · NZMA 被誉为新西兰最好的酒店管理学院之一。学院教学培训设施一流,位于奥克兰 Sylvia Park 的校区紧邻奥克兰最大购物中心及交通枢纽。位于哈密尔顿 Hamilton 的校区交通方便,环境优美。 为什么选择 NZMA. 一流的课程设置
New Zealand Management Academies (NZMA) - StudyLink
Specialising in hospitality, cookery and business training, NZMA is home to up to 2000 students each year across its four academies in Central Auckland, South Auckland, Panmure and Waikato. Regarded by employers as one of New Zealand’s leading hospitality schools, NZMA is an excellent place to study for those who are serious about forging ...
NZMA, New Zealand
NZMA’s Manukau Campus delivers first-rate training to people who are keen to forge careers in the Health, Early childhood education and Information Technology sectors. We pride ourselves on excellence and quality to deliver positive outcomes to …
New Zealand Management Academies Limited (NZMA) is a registered and accredited NZQA tertiary provider. At NZMA we are committed to offering quality learning, we are ranked as a Category 1 provider on NZQA’s EER rating - the highest rating …
为什么选择 新西兰NZMA - 百度文库
新西兰管理学院是全国唯一一家提供新西兰大专文凭和英国BTEC(英国爱德思高级国家文凭)酒店管理及商务大专双学历的学校,与英,美,澳,新等全球80多所大学有学历认证协议。 特色合作大学包括美国纽约州立大学,英国伦敦米德塞克斯大学,瑞士DCT国际酒店管理学院,澳大利亚南澳大学,新西兰奥克兰理工大学(AUT)及怀卡托大学等。 为什么选择 新西兰NZMA-中文名新西兰管理学院外文名New Zealand Iwk.baidu.comstitute of Management所在省州惠灵顿区所在 …