NZT-48 : r/Nootropics - Reddit
This isn't even a "drug" let alone "the perfect drug." If you have to name your supplement blend something as aspirational as NZT you're probably lacking somewhere. Edit: I see there are a …
[THEORY] History of NZT-48 [SPOILERS?] : r/limitless - Reddit
2015年10月22日 · NZT-48 is now being produced and refined for the FBI, and the results are promising. The new “super-agent” had been developed and was nearly unstoppable. One of …
How Could NZT-48 Potentially Work? : r/limitless - Reddit
2021年6月29日 · Without many spoilers If you've read the books, NZT was suppose to originally be a sort of replacement for cigarettes' at the time it was made. So I'd imagine a real-life nzt …
NZT-48 REVIEWS : r/BNcommunity - Reddit
2021年10月3日 · NZT-48 REVIEWS . Share your reviews here . ... NZT is the real deal. Reply reply henriqueultramari ...
[Limitless] What exactly does NZT do? : r/AskScienceFiction - Reddit
2021年9月15日 · Now NZT works on the consciousness level. Think of it as a completely altered state of consciousness integrated into ones waking state. Similar to deep meditative states. I …
NZT-48 vs MDT-48 : r/limitless - Reddit
2022年4月19日 · NZT-48 vs MDT-48 After watching the limitless movie and series I decided to read the books they was based on and I have to say I was really disappointed with MDT-48 …
The closest nootropic to an "NZT-48"? : r/Nootropics - Reddit
2013年1月21日 · Of course an obnoxious hollywood-esque twist then follows; and one is about dramatizing the properties of this substance called "NZT-48" as was clearly one of their iconic …
NZT-48 Reviews? : r/Nootropics - Reddit
NOTE: Real NZT does not have any residual issues like NZT-48 did in Limitless. That was a fictional "clear pill". Ours was developed to permanently improve brain and body, even if you …
If NZT 48 was real : r/limitless - Reddit
2019年6月5日 · You'd have random citizens just being amazed at all the newfound sensations and doing bold and incredible acts like Brian Finch first did on NZT. You'd have people …
The Real NZT-48 : r/NoFap - Reddit
2015年12月17日 · Anyway here is the real recipe for NZT-48: (N)o FAP, (Z)en Meditation, (T)ime - 48 hours ... 48 hours is ...