New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)
New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000) is the projection used for official topographic maps produced in New Zealand, including the North Island, South Island, Stewart/ Rakiura Island and the closer coastal islands. Different projections are used for New Zealand's offshore islands and for its continental shelf:
New Zealand Topographic Map - NZ Topo Map
New Zealand topographic map showing LINZ NZ Topo250 and NZ Topo50 map series. Features include: Both 1:250,000 / Topo250 and 1:50,000 / Topo50 map series; Placename, feature, map sheet and coordinate search; Printing map areas; Sharing and linking to locations; Coordinate conversion (NZTM, NZMG and WGS84); Ability to add kml and gpx (gps file ...
Zoom to point | Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa, the Outdoor Access …
2024年3月19日 · Demo 1: Get coordinates based on a location (NZTM Coordinates). Demo 2: Use coordinates to find a location on the map (Decimal Degrees) Get Aotearoa location coordinates and find locations using your own coordinates easily, using the Zoom to Point tool.
Topo50 Map Chooser | Toitū Te Whenua - Land Information New …
The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland and Chatham Islands at 1:50,000 scale. Find and download maps to view onscreen or print.
NZTM - New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 Projection for Topo Maps ...
MapToaster Topo/NZ version 5, available in October, has the new NZTM maps. The maps in your handheld GPS are most likely stored in in lat/long WGS-84 coordinates, so they wont need to be updated. Modern GPS units can probably already display NZTM coordinates. Older GPS units usually have a User Grid setting that can be used.
NZGD2000 / New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 - New …
EPSG:2193 Projected coordinate system for New Zealand - North Island, South Island, Stewart Island - onshore. Replaces NZGD49 / New Zealand Map Grid (code 27200) from July 2001. Engineering survey, topographic mapping.
Topographical Maps for Your Computer - MapToaster
MapToaster Topo/NZ is a software product that provides seamless Topo50, Topo250 and other scale NZTM topographical maps of New Zealand for your PC and aerial photographs of over 60% of the country. Upload/download tracks and waypoints from your GPS. Suitable for recreation, businesses, emergency services...
NZTM Basemaps - Eagle
We provide a variety of basemaps in the New Zealand Transverse Mercator projection. These basemaps are created with the best available data for New Zealand from authoritative New Zealand sources and OpenStreetMap. We have a combination of vector, raster and hybrid basemaps. Vector basemaps and vector basemap offline packages are updated monthly.
Dougs Maps – Quality New Zealand topographic maps for …
Latest complete New Zealand 1:50,000 topographic maps, New Zealand 1:20,000 cadastral (property) maps and Cook Islands topographic maps. NZ topo maps show DOC boundaries with name of relevant area. Easy to use GPS functionality.
MapsPast | Current and historical topographic maps (topomaps) …
Historical LINZ / Lands and Survey topographic maps of New Zealand, including NZMS1, NZMS13, NZMS15 and NZMS260 series maps