Diagrams showing geographical distribution of the North American ECA are set out in annex 1 to this circular, and the full list of coordinates may be found in annex 2 to this circular. 4 The above amendments are expected to enter into force on 1 August 2011, upon their deemed acceptance on 1 February 2011.
Designation of the North American Emission Control Area for …
2025年3月7日 · On March 26, 2010, the IMO officially designated waters off North American coasts as an area in which stringent international emission standards will apply to ships. The first-phase fuel sulfur standard began in 2012, the second phase began in 2015, and stringent NO x engine standards began in 2016.
Emission Control Areas (ECAs) designated under MARPOL …
The North American area (regulation 13.6.1 and appendix VII of MARPOL Annex VI): "The North American area comprises: the sea area located off the Pacific coasts of the United States and Canada, enclosed by geodesic lines connecting the following coordinates:
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INFORMATION ON NORTH AMERICAN EMISSION CONTROL AREA (ECA) UNDER MARPOL ANNEX VI 1 The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its sixtieth session (22 to 26 March 2010), adopted, by resolution MEPC.190(60), amendments to MARPOL Annex VI to designate the North American Emission Control Area for NOx, SOx and
North American and Caribbean Emissions Control Areas On January 1, 2015, the permissible sulfur limit for marine fuels within specially-designated Emissions Control Areas (ECAs) will be reduced to 0.10% (i.e. 1,000 ppm). Members operating within the North American and Caribbean
North American Emission Control Area - Clear Seas
ECAs are established by the IMO to limit emissions from ships in coastal areas. In North America's ECA, ships must burn fuel or scrub exhaust to emit a maximum of 0.1% sulphur content since January 2015.
2014年12月3日 · Question regarding the North American ECA. The responses within this document are provided by the U.S. Government (U.S. Coast Guard & the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)) for vessels operating within an established Emission Control Area(s) (ECA) under the jurisdiction of the United States of America (U.S.).
2017年8月8日 · How will the U.S. handle ECA violations occurring outside of U.S. waters? Violations of MARPOL Annex VI, including the North American Emission Control Area (NA ECA) requirements by U.S. flagged vessels are subject to enforcement action by the U.S. government no matter where the violation occurred.
The North American ECA ensures that emissions from ships that operate in our waters and ports will be reduced significantly, delivering substantial benefits to large segments of our population, as well as to marine and terrestrial ecosystems.
MARPOL Annex VI | Enforcement - US EPA
2016年7月20日 · The requirements apply to vessels operating in U.S. waters as well as ships operating within 200 nautical miles of the coast of North America, also known as the North American Emission Control Area (ECA). On this page: MARPOL Annex VI; Annex VI Significant Provisions; Memorandum of Understanding between EPA and Coast Guard; Health and ...