Na-, Al-, and Si K-edge XANES study of sodium silicate and …
2004年12月15日 · In this study, we explore the influence of the glass surface state on the local structure of network modifiers (Na) and formers (Al and Si) to determine the optimal conditions …
Na K-edge XANES spectra of minerals and glasses - ResearchGate
2004年10月1日 · Na K-edge X ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra for minerals and glasses were collected using synchrotron radiation. Na-K XANES is a good structural …
Electronic, optical and sodium K edge XANES in disodium helide: …
2023年10月9日 · Na K edge x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) provides insights into electronic transitions and the local atomic environment of sodium atoms in Na 2 He.
硅酸盐玻璃中的Na,Mg K-边XANES谱研究 Na and Mg K-edge …
2015年6月15日 · Na-边. -射线近边结构 (ANS) 谱研究了含. Na. 玻璃 (Na2O-SiO2-P2O5. 和. Na2O-SiO2) 的. Na-边的特征, 同时建立了含磷 (P) 的钠玻璃中. Na-边的能量, 其能量位置随着. …
[Na and Mg K-edge XANES study in silicate glasses] - PubMed
The structural role of Na in Na2-O-SiO2 and Na2O-SiO2-P2O5 glasses was studied using Na K-edge XANES (X-ray near edge structure) spectra. The Na K-edge XANES shows little change …
Na K-edge XANES spectra of minerals and glasses
2004年9月1日 · Na K-edge X ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra for minerals and glasses were collected using synchrotron radiation. Na-K XANES is a good structural …
Na-, Al-, and Si K-edge XANES study of sodium silicate and …
2004年12月15日 · In this study, we explore the influence of the glass surface state on the local structure of network modifiers (Na) and formers (Al and Si) to determine the optimal conditions …
Measured and calculated Na K-edge XANES spectra of
First-principles calculations indicated that a direct bandgap of 0.88 eV formed in 5.55% Na-doped antimonene, while undoped antimonene had an indirect bandgap of 2.38 eV.
Na K-edge XANES spectra of minerals and glasses
Na K-edge X ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra for minerals and glasses were collected using synchrotron radiation. Na-K XANES is a good structural probe to determine the …
The optical properties for Na2He were studied and its application towards optoelectronic devices has been identied. Also, Na K edge x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) for Na 2 He
Electronic, optical and sodium K edge XANES in disodium helide: …
Na K edge x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) provides insights into electronic transitions and the local atomic environment of sodium atoms in Na 2 He. By measuring the X …
Na K-edge XAFS Study of Sodium Loaded on Alumina
1993年1月1日 · Na K-edge XAFS of Na2O/Al2O3 catalysts (4-32 wt% Na) was examined. It was deduced on the basis of XANES of sodium halides that the ionicity of an Na-O bond in catalyst …
Geometric structure of (NaCl) - ScienceDirect
2002年4月15日 · X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra at the sodium K-edge and chlorine L-edge of Na 4 Cl 4 clusters have been studied. A theoretical ab initio analysis of …
Na K-edge XANES spectra of minerals and glasses.
Na K-edge X ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra for minerals and glasses were collected using synchrotron radiation. Na-K XANES is a good structural probe to determine the …
Na K-edge XAFS Study of Sodium Loaded on Alumina
1993年1月1日 · Na K-edge XAFS of Na 2 O/Al 2 O 3 catalysts (4-32 wt% Na) was examined. It was deduced on the basis of XANES of sodium halides that the ionicity of an Na-O bond in …
Photoabsorption of NaCl clusters at the Na K-edge: Development …
2001年7月15日 · Photoabsorption spectra of free and deposited NaCl clusters at the Na K-edge are presented. The absorption spectra were recorded using the yield of photoelectrons and …
(PDF) Electronic, optical and sodium K edge XANES in
2023年10月9日 · From our results, the GGA and LDA predict the material to be semiconductor, while mBJ predicts the material to be insulator. The calculated results from the electronic …
Na K-edge XAFS measurements of NaCl aqueous solutions Toyonari Yaji, Koji Nakanishi, and Toshiaki Ohta SR Center, Research Organization of Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan …
Sodium K-edge XANES calculation in 'NaCl' type structures
2005年1月1日 · Sodium K edge XANES calculations were performed for sodium halides, using the last version of the ab-initio FEFF code, and compared with the experimental data. Several …
Single‐Atom Metallophilic Sites for Liquid NaK Alloy Confinement …
2023年1月16日 · Here, the authors demonstrate the extraordinary stable confinement of NaK alloy at room temperature by constructing a super-wetting substrate, which is based on highly …