Performance Review Institute (PRI) - We Protect What Matters
2013年2月23日 · Nadcap is an industry-managed approach to conformity assessment that brings together technical experts from both Industry and Government to establish requirements for accreditation, accredit Suppliers and define operational program requirements.
Naccap Accreditation - Boeing Suppliers
Nadcap (National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program) is an industry-managed approach to conformity assessment of 'special processes' that brings together technical experts from prime contractors, suppliers and representatives from government to work together and establish requirements for approval of suppliers using a standa...
The Nadcap® program is an industry-managed approach to conformity assessment that brings together technical experts from the aviation, defense, and space industries to establish requirements for accreditation, accredit suppliers and define operational program requirements.
NADCAP - 百度百科
Nadcap 是 “ National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program”的英文缩写,即为“国家 航空航天 和国防合同方授信项目”。 它是 美国航空 航天和 国防工业 对航空 航天工业 的特殊产品和工艺的认证。
Nadcap - Wikipedia
Nadcap (formerly NADCAP, the National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program) is a global cooperative accreditation program for aerospace engineering, defense and related industries.
NADCAP认证大全 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Nadcap是“ National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program”的英文缩写,即为“国家航空航天和国防合同方授信项目”。 它是美国航空航天和国防工业对航空航天工业的特殊产品和工艺的认证。
Nadcap-Performance Review Institute - PRI
1990年,来自航空航天行业和政府的主要代表建立了国家航空航天与国防承包方认证项目(NADCAP),由非营利机构质量评审协会(PRI)担任项目的行政管理方。 1990年以前,各大航空航天主制造商各自独立对自己供应商的无损检测、焊接和热处理等工艺过程开展技术能力审核。 这种方式下,不仅主制造商要承担大量的工作,供应商要接受重复繁冗的审核,而且审核员也不得不成为通才来适应审核不同工艺过程的需要。 随着Nadcap项目的国际化发展,Nadcap项目名 …
Nadcap Audit Preparation - Surface Enhancement (SE) is a two-day course that provides a complete overview of Nadcap requirements related to the SE audit. After clarifying the role of Nadcap, Performance Review Institute® and Nadcap audits in the management and oversight of Special Processes in
Nadcap航空航天认证,看中国供应商地位几何? - 知乎
Nadcap,全称是“National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program”,即“美国国家航空航天和国防承包方鉴定项目”。 Nadcap由美国航空航天和国防工业巨头(GE、波音、普惠、霍尼韦尔)与美国国…
nadcap是什么? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Nadcap是航空行业的特殊过程认证项目,通过行业管理的运作模式对航空供应链中涉及到特殊过程的供应商进行过程符合性评估。 Nadcap认证主要涉及热处理、化学处理、无损检测、焊接…