Why is there two subregions in NAW and NAE yet the prizing isn …
2019年4月24日 · In NAE there is a subregion in Ohio and in Virginia. In west it is california and oregon. Why are players being split but still put on the same prize pools, and given the same number of qualification spots?
Which region is most competitive? NAE or EU? - Reddit
NAE at the top end is stronger obviously, but EU is better at overall doubt again obviously because of the ...
June 2024 Region Merge Policy : r/lostarkgame - Reddit
2024年5月16日 · I'm ngl, as an NAE player playing from west coast I'm the one sweating. IMO I think AGS originally wanted to merge everything to NAE since it is the largest region, but I think they might pivot to centralizing on west coast since it'll cause the least ping problems for its merged players.
NA Players: would you prefer Arena next season in every sub …
2023年2月17日 · 17 votes, 89 comments. true. Hello fellow NA Competitive Fortnite Players and Viewers. As you likely are aware by now, Epic Games has announced the NA Central Region which will be where Competitive Fortnite tournaments in the NA West and NA East regions will be combined and taking place next season.
How come NA East is considered the 2nd best region but only
2022年11月6日 · Like yes EU is very likely to win, nae has a shot and the other regions have 0 chance. Guys like Alex couldn't even qual out of dh Lan opens, practice matters and its hard to have practice when you're in a shit region Just take a look at naw elite finals, yes it's not very comparable to a Lan but nae wins it like every week
Why do people compare NAE players to EU players but then say
2021年3月12日 · Placing in the money is the exact same difficulty, it’s relative to population of the server. Second if you wanna say better region then you are talking as a whole not just top tier, you forget to mention the fact the reason 50 bombs are dropped first game in eu isn’t because ur pros are better than nae etc it’s because the average skill on …
NAE_Bot_Region (u/NAE_Bot_Region) - Reddit
2020年10月11日 · Skip to main content. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Open navigation Go to Reddit Home
What is the best competitive region? : r/FortniteCompetitive - Reddit
2020年9月16日 · 'The weakest bad players', where does that claim come from? An average champions league player that competes in tournaments isn't gonna be better in NAE than in EU. The only reason why you might see more slaying out in EU than in NAE (this is purely hypothetical, I don't think it even is the case) is because there's more high-level players in EU (simply because of the bigger playerbase), so ...
NAE/SA Region Merge Compensation vs. EUC/EUW Region Merge …
2024年6月5日 · NAE/SA T3 Leapstone Selection Chest x3 Aura of Resonance Recovery Elixir (14 days) (*4) Ancient Platinum Coin x15 Chaos Dungeon Rest Bonus Recovery Brew (*2) T3 Fusion Material Selection Chest Ebony Cube Entrance Ticket Selection Chest (*2)
Does anyone like the fact Epic replaced NAE & NAW Tournaments …
They aren't going to go back to 2 servers, from a competitive point of view it makes no sense, the reason why EU became the dominant region was because of a large single playerbase, na became competitive once they combined, of course not everyone has the set up of the pros, but nor did malibuca to start with, better set ups are earned, like I said I get the complaints if it's builds, but not ...