Extending the low-temperature operation of sodium metal …
2022年8月22日 · Based on XPS and cryo-TEM observations, the binary-solvent electrolyte contributes to a higher content of crystalline NaF in the upper part of the SEI compared to that in the single-solvent...
NaF-rich solid electrolyte interphase for dendrite-free sodium …
2022年1月1日 · In addition, we establish fundamental understanding of the influence of NaF-rich SEI on suppression of Na dendrites by employing ex-situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS) analyses and performing theoretical calculations based on the density functional theory.
Low-solvation electrolytes for high-voltage sodium-ion batteries
2022年6月16日 · We also quantify the SEI dissolution by the atomic ratio/components change of the SEI using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and cell capacity loss, which determines the cell cycling...
Impact of the electrolyte salt anion on the solid electrolyte ...
2019年1月1日 · Aiming at a more comprehensive understanding of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) in sodium ion batteries (NIBs), a detailed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) investigation of the few-nanometer thick passivation film formed on hard carbon (HC) in contact with various Na +-ion conducting electrolytes is reported.
Tuning the solvation structure with salts for stable sodium-metal ...
2024年2月19日 · By using sodium nitrate (NaNO3) salt as a model diluent, we report a 1.1 M NaFSI–NaNO3–trimethyl phosphate electrolyte that forms a stable interface with sodium-metal anode.
JACS: 独特溶剂化结构电解质实现无枝晶钠硫电池 - 知乎
为了研究Na负极在碳酸盐电解质、四甘醇二甲醚电解质和LHCE电解质(DME:NaFSI:TTE = 1:1.2:1)中的稳定性,使用光学显微镜来观察Na||Na对称透明电池中的Na的电镀和剥离行为。
Investigation of Electrolyte Salts in Non‐Flammable Triethyl …
2024年10月8日 · This study evaluates five sodium electrolyte salts (NaBF₄, NaClO₄, NaDFOB, NaFSI, NaPF₆) in triethyl phosphate (TEP) for sodium-ion full-cells, focusing on their physicochemical properties, solvation structure, and electrochemical performance.
Enabling room temperature sodium metal batteries
2016年12月1日 · The XPS measurements reveal that the SEI coating formed in a 1 M NaPF 6-EC/DEC electrolyte contains higher concentration of C element, especially in the top SEI layer (Figs. S21, S22). In contrast, the SEI coatings formed in NaTFSI-DME electrolytes contain higher concentration of F element in comparison with that from NaFSI-DME electrolytes ...
Fig. 4 (a–c) XPS detailed spectra (Na 1s, F 1s and S 2p) of...
The formation of a Ge x Sb 1−x film identified via Raman and XPS leads to better diffusion of Na + leading toward greater capacity and current densities during half-cell cycling in an NaFSI/C 3...
XPS spectra of HC electrode after 5 charge/discharge
Download scientific diagram | XPS spectra of HC electrode after 5 charge/discharge cycles in HC|Na half cell with 25 mol% NaFSI in [HMG] [FSI], C 1s (a), N 1s (b), Na 1s (c) and F 1s (d) as a...